Author Archives: Admin Staff

FB Bargaining Team to meet with Employer to discuss proposed offer

Despite the fact that we have not yet received a recommendation from the Public Interest Commission, Treasury Board on Monday took the unusual step of delivering a proposed offer to the union for the FB group via envelope.

Our bargaining team is in the process of contacting Treasury Board to set a date for the bargaining teams to meet so that Treasury Board might properly present and explain its proposal at the bargaining table. We’ll be sure to update once a date has been set to meet with the employer.

FB Bargaining Update on PIC recommendations

As per the Public Service Labour Relations Act, our Bargaining Team presented our case before the Public Interest Commission (PIC) in December.

Given the number of issues outstanding between the parties, the Chair of the Public Interest Commission asked later in December for an extension beyond the timeline prescribed under the legislation. Both parties consented to this extension.

It is at the Chair’s discretion to take the time he needs to write the recommendation. Once we receive PIC’s recommendation from the Labour Board we will be sure to post on our website, and our bargaining team will meet to discuss once it is released to review the recommendation and determine next steps.

For a copy of the brief that we submitted to the Board, go to:

Union to Take CBSA Back Before the Labour Board

CBSA reneges in Essential Services talks – again.

For several years – going back to 2007 – the Union has been engaged in talks with CBSA in an effort to resolve essential services agreements (ESA’s). Under the new Public Service Labour Relations Act of 2006, unions and employers in the public service must attempt to negotiate agreements covering each bargaining unit determining which duties are essential in the event of a legal job action. CBSA took a position at the outset of talks that all duties performed by BSO’s were essential. PSAC challenged this and the Labour Board ruled in our favour, stating that several duties performed by BSO’s are not essential to the safety and security of the public, including for example the collection of taxes and duties. Our Union has also had tremendous difficulty getting CBSA to provide information on other FB positions that the employer is proposing for inclusion in the ESA. Now, after years of talks and when the parties are very near completion of the ESA process, CBSA has suddenly proposed an additional 200 positions as performing essential duties that they want included in an ESA.

We have negotiated ESA’s with departments across the public service. Yet we do not have one for the FB bargaining unit, due to CBSA’s intransigence at every step. As a result, we will be taking CBSA/Treasury Board back before with the Labour Board in an effort to have this matter resolved once and for all.

In the meantime, we are waiting for a recommendation from the Public Interest Commission concerning our contract dispute with Treasury Board/CBSA. Immediately before Christmas the Commission requested an extension beyond the 30-day timeline set out in the legislation. Both our bargaining team and the Treasury Board consented to this request. The Commission has not provided an indication as to when we can expect its recommendation. For a copy of the submission provided by PSAC to the Board, go to:

FB Bargaining Team Defends Members’ Interests Before the PIC

FB Bargaining made our submissions before a Public Interest Commission at the Labour Board in Ottawa on December 10th

As per the Public Service Labour Relations Act, our FB Bargaining Team filed for conciliation earlier this year when it became clear that the employer was not prepared to seriously address our issues, including parity with other federal enforcement workers. Also consistent with the Act, a Public Interest Commission (PIC) was named to oversee the conciliation process and to hear our case concerning the matters outstanding in negotiations. Once the date of December 10th was set for the PIC hearing, the parties agreed to engage in mediation prior to the hearing. That mediation happened this past weekend, convened by the Chair of the Public Interest Commission.

While both Saturday and Sunday were set aside for mediation, the Chair ended the session at the end of the day on Saturday when it became clear that no progress was being made. As a result the PIC hearing took place on Monday at the Labour Board. Over the course of the day our bargaining team made our case for parity with other federal employees working for law enforcement agencies, including CX’s at Corrections Canada and the RCMP. We stated – repeatedly – that what we seek are simply to expand protections that are already contained in our current agreement, and to be afforded same rights and compensation that are already being afforded other employees working under Public Safety Canada. To review the full copy of the brief submitted by the PSAC to the PIC, go to:

We now await a recommendation from the PIC. Unlike arbitration, the recommendation is nonbinding. While the legislation provides for the PIC to issue its recommendation within 30 days of the hearing, the Chair may extend that timeline. Given the number of issues outstanding, there was some indication on Monday evening that the Chair may exercise this prerogative. We will be sure to update as things progress.

Officer shooting in British Columbia – Update from the National President

CIU National President Jean-Pierre Fortin, accompanied by BC Southern Branch President Dan Sullivan, has returned to Ottawa following a trip to British Columbia yesterday for a special meeting with members. He assured the full support of the National Union to Sister Lori Bowcock who was injured in the shooting and to all members assigned to the Peace Arch crossing.

Following the meeting with more than 30 members who actually were part of the events, the National President can confirm that Sister Bowcock, although seriously injured in the shooting, is expected to make a full recovery. As they go forward, Sister Bowcock, her family and co-workers can count on the full support of CIU and its members.

The National President also confirmed that the deceased gunman has been identified. After conflicting factual reports from CBSA, it was determined that this was an intentional shooting of one of our members followed by a suicide. Branch members were also assured that the CIU will work closely with them in an effort to identify and resolve any and all workplace safety issues.

The CIU is sincerely appreciative of the support shown to Sister Bowcock and its members from others in the law enforcement community and from Canadians in general.