Author Archives: Pierre St-Jacques

PIC Report and FB Bargaining Team Statement

FB Bargaining: PIC Update

On Thursday, March 15, we received the Public Interest Commission (PIC) recommendation concerning our contract dispute with Treasury Board/CBSA. The PIC recommendation is non-binding. It is intended to guide the parties in negotiations and help provide an avenue for the parties to make progress towards an agreement but neither party is obligated to follow the recommendations of the decision.

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Members Rally at Toronto Pearson Airport

Picture of the CIU flag stating "We keep Canada's borders safe. We deserve to be treated fairly"

A large number of CIU and PSAC members rallied today at Toronto Pearson airport, sending a strong message to the employer: As we prepare to return to the bargaining table, it is high time to treat FB members as law enforcement and give them a fair contract. We’re united in solidarity and ready to defend our rights, and we support our bargaining team.


Union, Employer Setting Dates to Return to the Bargaining Table

FB Bargaining

On Friday March 9, 2018, our PSAC Negotiator for the FB group was contacted by the Treasury Board and told that the employer has a new mandate. As a result, we are in the process of setting dates to return to the bargaining table during the week of March 19.

Thanks to all of the CIU-PSAC members at CBSA from coast to coast to coast for participating in our ongoing mobilization activities. Updates will be provided as things progress.

The National President Visits Branches in Southern Ontario

Photo of members with the National President with the words "the national president visits hamilton, windosr, and niagara falls"

Yesterday, CIU National President Jean-Pierre Fortin met with members from several branches in Southern Ontario – Hamilton, Windsor, and Niagara Falls – to discuss ongoing bargaining efforts and union matters.

Pictured here:

  • In Hamilton, members join others who have been #burntbyphoenix, saying “enough is enough”.
  • In Windsor, the National President, Jean-Pierre Fortin, and the FB Group Lead Negotiator, Morgan Gay, address the membership and answer questions.