Author Archives: Pierre St-Jacques

FB Bargaining: PSLREB Appoints PIC Chair

FB Bargaining

Our PSAC/CIU bargaining team for the FB group broke off talks in February after spending three days in mediation with the employer and making no progress on our key priorities. CBSA also continued to push for concessions. Consequently, our Team proceeded to the next step in the process provided for under the law – filing for a Public Interest Commission (PIC). Get more information on the PIC here.

The Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board (PSLREB) contacted the PSAC in April to notify us that the PIC is going forward despite Treasury Board/CBSA asking that the process be delayed by further mediation. Both our union and the Treasury Board have appointed our respective nominees for the Commission. However, once our nominees were appointed we were unable to agree with Treasury Board/CBSA on a Chair of the PIC. As a result, the PSLREB has now appointed one.

The next step is the setting of a hearing date. There are no timelines prescribed in the legislation in terms of getting the PIC set up and for the selection of a date for the hearing. It is up to the PSLREB.

In the meantime, the CIU National Executive and our Bargaining Team continue to consult Branch Presidents across the country in order to identify mobilization activities that will push the Treasury Board and CBSA to finally address our issues concerning parity with other law enforcement agencies. For more information, speak with your CIU Branch President.

Our union and our bargaining team remain committed to achieving a fair contract for CIU/PSAC members in the FB bargaining unit. We’ll be sure to provide updates as things progress.

Download the PDF version of this update (bilingual document).

Business Sector to Government: Increase CBSA Resources

Map of the Canada-USA Border with the words cross-border trade on top, with two arrows

On May 19, 2017, representatives from organizations across the business sector signed a joint letter, titled Investments in Our Borders, calling upon the federal government to increase CBSA funding and resources to deal with problems demanding urgent attention.

The letter, addressed to several federal ministers and signed by twelve major business sector associations, outlined long-standing cross-border trade problems, such as major delays and shutdowns due to the CBSA’s antiquated IT system. The letter also stressed the negative impact of staffing shortfalls which, combined with technical issues, continue to threaten the efficiency of cross-border commerce between Canada and the USA.

Ultimately, the signatories requested that “the Treasury Board of Canada increase CBSA’s budget as soon as possible to fix CBSA IT issues and add the staff required to help facilitate trade at the border,” highlighting that action is “urgently needed” on the government’s part.

Read the full letter here.

Government Delaying Signing of New PA, EB, TC & SV Collective Agreements


PSAC has been pushing the government to sign four collective agreements by the end of May, but the employer is insisting they won’t be ready until mid-June at the earliest. These agreements, covering over 100,000 workers, were ratified by the membership in votes that concluded in April.

PSAC still waiting for drafts of agreements

At this time, the final drafts of the agreement for the Program and Administrative Services (PA) Group and the agreement for the Education and Library Science (EB) Group are just about finalized. PSAC has yet to receive the draft agreements covering the Technical Services (TC) and Operational Services (SV) Groups, even though the employer has had months to get the drafts ready. We are committed to reviewing the draft agreements and replying to the employer in less than three days.

Members have waited long enough

These agreements, which took over two and a half years to negotiate, do not go into effect until they are signed. PSAC believes our members, who have also spent the last year dealing with the Phoenix pay system debacle, have waited long enough. We are continuing to pressure the employer to make this a priority and sign these agreements signed as soon as possible.

A version of this article was also published on the PSAC website.

FB Bargaining: PSAC and CIU Oppose CBSA’s Part-Timer Initiative

FB Bargaining

Recently, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has announced a planned change to its part-time policy. CIU has made clear that it is opposed to such changes, and PSAC has indicated at the bargaining table that our position is to improve job and income security for PSAC/CIU members at CBSA. An increase in part-time employment runs contrary to this objective.

Despite this, CBSA has indicated that it will proceed with the implementation of its plan and increase part-time employment at CBSA.

In negotiations, our PSAC-CIU Bargaining Team for the FB group has made proposals to Treasury Board and CBSA concerning shift work, scheduling and part-time work.

The law says that all matters subject to negotiation are frozen until such time as the parties reach a new agreement, are in a legal strike position, or until an arbitration award is issued. This means that our current terms and conditions are frozen. The same rules also apply with respect to changes that could have a direct impact on matters under negotiation or potentially subject to negotiation.

CBSA cannot make unilateral changes without negotiation

PSAC legal counsel has contacted Treasury Board to request that the CBSA and TB cease from implementing these changes. Should the employer proceed, we will file an unfair labour practice complaint with the Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board.

CBSA management cannot do whatever it wants. We will uphold our rights. We will be sure to update as things progress. Please contact your CIU Branch President with any questions.

Download the PDF version of this update (bilingual document).

A version of this article was also published on the PSAC website.

What’s Going On With FB Bargaining?

FB Bargaining

Our PSAC/CIU bargaining team for the FB group broke off talks in February after spending three days in mediation with the employer and making no progress on our key priorities. Also CBSA continued to push concessions.

Consequently, our Team proceeded to the next step in the process provided for under the law – filing for a Public Interest Commission (PIC). Get more information on the PIC process here.

Once the PSAC filed for a PIC with the Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board (PSLREB), the Treasury Board responded by indicating that a PIC was premature and that more mediation was required.

Our response was clear: after over two years of talks – including a week and a half session in December and three full days of mediation in February – the parties were indeed at impasse and that it is time to move to the next stage in the process. What’s more, the Treasury Board and CBSA provided no indication that the employer is prepared to address the issues that our Team raised in bargaining with respect to compensation, pension and hours of work (among others matters). Our position was that there should be no further delay.

Next step is being set in motion

The PSLREB contacted the union on April 5, 2017 to notify us that the PIC is going forward, and that the next step in setting up a PIC is being set in motion (the appointment of the parties’ nominees). We are now awaiting news from the PSLREB concerning the next step in the process – the naming of the Chair of the PIC.

Unfortunately, there are no timelines prescribed in the legislation in terms of getting the PIC set up and for the selection of a date for the hearing.  It is up to the PSLREB.

In the meantime, CIU leadership is consulting with Branch Presidents across the country, along with representatives from our bargaining team, to discuss next steps beyond filing for a PIC – including potential mobilization activities to get the Treasury Board and CBSA to finally address our issues concerning parity with other law enforcement agencies.  For more information, speak with your CIU Branch President.

Our union and our bargaining team remain committed to achieving a fair contract for CIU/PSAC members in the FB bargaining unit. We’ll be sure to provide updates as things progress.

Download the PDF version of this update (bilingual document).