Author Archives: Pierre St-Jacques

National Board of Directors Meeting: CIU Highlights the Importance of “25 & Out”

NBoD 2016 Group Photo

During last week’s National Board of Directors meeting in Ottawa, CIU reiterated its commitment to push for a ’25 & Out’ agreement at the bargaining table. The union also elaborated on its plans to implement the resolution that was carried at the 2015 PSAC National Triennial Convention wherein members who are required to carry a firearm will be provided with independent legal counsel 24/7 in the event that they are involved with discharging their firearm. Members can expect to receive information related to this CIU/PSAC initiative in June 2016.

CIU is also planning to add new features to its national website, including information on Variable Shift Schedule Arrangements in order to facilitate the implementation of such arrangements for the different branches.

CIU National President Meets with Minister Goodale

Photo of CIU National President Jean-Pierre Fortin and Minister of Public Safety Ralph Goodale, March 23

On Wednesday, March 23, National President Jean-Pierre Fortin met with the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety, to discuss ongoing issues and establish a working relationship with the government. Overall, Brother Fortin described the meeting as positive, with Minister Goodale agreeing to meet with him on a semi-annual basis.

These future meetings will be an opportunity for CIU to provide the Minister with important information and keep him apprised of ongoing concerns. Brother Fortin also touched on a variety of issues, ranging from security matters to the use of automated technology at points of entry, and stressed the need for a ‘25 & Out’ pension commitment – a major CIU bargaining priority that would bring the Agency in line with other law enforcement agencies. The Minister was receptive, stating that he would look into the matter.