Author Archives: Pierre St-Jacques

Tentative agreement for Treasury Board units: A heartfelt thank you to all members

Photo rally

In the early morning of May 1, 2023, on what would have been the 13th day of strike for 120,000 Treasury Board members, PSAC announced that a tentative agreement had been reached for the PA, EB, TC and SV bargaining units, securing a fair contract for members and ending this round of strike action.

It goes without saying that this strike — the largest in the Canadian public sector in recent memory — owes much of its success to the sustained dedication and engagement of members everywhere. The union is only as strong as its members are united, and we thank you wholeheartedly for supporting your bargaining teams and showing the employer what can be accomplished when we fight as one.

Thank you to all striking members and activists who walked the picket line and rallied day in, day out, rain or shine. Thank you to all in essential positions who found ways to support strike efforts despite having to report to work. And, last but not least, thank you to all FB members who, regardless of not being on strike, showed up to shoulder their fellow union members in their hour of need, amplifying their call for fair treatment.

An exemplary display of inter-union and inter-unit solidarity, the past two weeks have proven to be yet another watershed moment for the Customs and Immigration Union, the Public Service Alliance of Canada, and the labour movement at large, as we build upon past labour actions to reinforce our capacity to fight for — and win — better, fairer working conditions for all members.

We have never been more united. We have never been stronger.

Stay up to date

See the following link for more information about the tentative agreement. As per PSAC, in the coming days, a full explanation of the new agreements, and a copy of the new language, will be provided once they have been fully translated for the PA, SV, TC and EB groups. PSAC members will shortly thereafter be invited to participate in online ratification votes. Details about the votes will be shared as soon as possible.

Support CRA workers!

While the strike is over for Treasury Board members, it continues for 35,000 CRA members. We encourage all our members to show support — be it by attending a picket line outside of your work hours, or in any other way. No gesture is too small!

20th National Convention – September 21-23, 2023

The National Convention, which is the supreme governing body of our Union, is held once every three years and provides an opportunity for CIU members to become involved in the operation and future of their Union.

We are pleased to announce that the 20th CIU National Convention will be held September 21, 22, and 23, 2023 in Ottawa, Ontario.

Please refer to the following documents for more information:

Treasury Board strike, day 10 : Members’ determination doesn’t go unnoticed

PSAC and CIU members once again ramped up the pressure across the country today, with highly effective pickets at several ports of entry resulting in increased border wait times in locations such as Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls, ON, Ambassador Bridge, in Windsor, ON, and the Aldergrove port of entry in BC. Picket lines, big and small, were also present in Stanstead, QC, Edmonton, AB, Fort Frances, ON, Halifax, NS, St. John’s, NL, and more.

With the announcement this afternoon of renewed talks between PSAC and Treasury Board, it’s safe to say that the employer took notice of our members’ resolve and determination. As PSAC continues bargaining this weekend in order to reach a fair deal for 155,000 Treasury Board and CRA members, we can only be thankful for the sustained solidarity displayed by our members over the last ten days.

To the striking PA, EB, SV and TC members who are active both on and off picket lines, and to the non-striking FB members who support them in a multitude of ways: You make your union stronger.

See photos of the day, below.

Reaction to 2023 Canada-U.S. Cross-Border Crime Forum

Photo of CIU flag

Today, following the conclusion of the 2023 Canada-United States Cross-Border Crime Forum, Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino and Justice Minister and Attorney General David Lametti, along with U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas and U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, announced a series of measures and agreements between the agencies in both countries, including CBSA, to increase cooperation and curb gun smuggling and other cross-border crimes. Amongst other points, the announcement highlighted the desire to reduce gun trafficking through increased joint investigations, sharing of intelligence, and tracing of illegal firearms.

The Customs and Immigration Union welcomes this renewed focus on cross-border cooperation by both governments to address the issue of gun smuggling into Canada. Absent from this announcement, however, is any real commitment to bolster Canada’s frontline and ensure our borders are properly staffed. Updating and modernizing legislation, prevention strategies, and agreements only make sense if accompanied by further investments into the border workforce. As it stands, the Canadian border is severely understaffed and poorly equipped to truly stem the flow of illegal goods, including firearms of all sorts. If this new era of renewed cooperation between the two countries is to have a real, lasting impact, it is crucial to properly support and empower our border services personnel tasked with protecting our communities.

It is also worth noting, once again, the complete absence of consultation with the union on these matters. CBSA’s upper echelons continue to be disconnected from the realities in the field, as virtually all upper management has little to no actual experience on the frontline. By not relying on the experience of frontline officers and other personnel, the Agency is wilfully ignoring precious insight into how to best approach —and solve — the issue of illegal firearms entering Canada.

Click here to watch the announcement on YouTube.