Author Archives: Pierre St-Jacques

Treasury Board strike, day 6: Members are back on the picket lines, and more determined than ever

Lots of energy, determination, and smiles were present on the picket lines as striking PSAC members returned for day 6 of the Treasury Board strike, which saw actions ramp up across the country. It’s clear from the photos we’ve received from all over — Ottawa, Gatineau, Windsor, Fort Frances, Fort Erie, Niagara Falls, Edmonton, Lethbridge, Winnipeg, Sherbrooke, etc. — that members have no intention of letting up the pressure until the government comes back to the table to bargain fairly.

TB & CRA bargaining update: Statement from PSAC National President

PSAC National President Chris Aylward delivered the following message to members of the Treasury Board and CRA bargaining teams


You may have seen the headlines this weekend – things didn’t get off to a great start.

We made some progress in the end, but we’re not there yet.

I can report that at the Treasury Board common issues table, we made some headway on remote work language, and both sides have moved in order to get closer to a resolution on wage increases.

At the CRA bargaining table, talks continue but without a new mandate from the employer, things haven’t moved much further.

So we’re not at the finish line yet, but I know that we can get to a fair deal for all 155,000 PSAC members thanks to the strong strike mandate you’ve delivered and the incredible solidarity you’ve shown from coast to coast to coast.

As we moved towards our strike deadline last week, the employer finally put a wage offer of 9% over three years on the table. You did that.

And when you hit the picket lines, it’s the first time we saw real progress at the table. You did that.

Even if the government seems content to prolong this strike and its impact on Canadians, I know you have the collective power to get us to a fair deal in the coming days. And tomorrow we’re going to escalate our actions.

See you on the picket lines on Monday!

In solidarity,

Chris Aylward

PS: I know many of you still have lots of questions so we’ve updated our FAQ.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

FB bargaining: Negotiations postponed in solidarity with striking workers


While we were scheduled to return to the table this week, April 25-27, our FB bargaining team notified the employer we won’t be meeting, in solidarity with the more than 155,000 fellow PSAC members working for Treasury Board and the Canada Revenue Agency who are currently on strike.

We previously made it clear, when we last met with the employer in March, that we would not meet in the event members from the PA, SV, TC, EB, and PSAC-UTE groups were on picket lines.

“It’s clear that the ongoing generational labour actions by PSAC members will lay the foundation for future gains for all Canadian workers, including FB members,” said the FB bargaining team. “We do not sit at a table with an employer who treats our fellow members with the disrespect that Treasury Board has displayed. We will only meet with the employer once they give striking members the fair contract they deserve.”

Support for striking workers

More than 2,500 PSAC-CIU members are part of the PA group and are currently on strike. They perform administrative and other non-law-enforcement duties, supporting frontline operations across the country. These members play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of border processes, and they need the support of all PSAC-CIU members. Now more than ever, there is power in solidarity.

While you can’t walk off the job or refuse to perform your usual duties, you can support your colleagues in other ways. Wear your swag at work, volunteer for phone banks during off-work hours, and any other mobilization activity that doesn’t impact your work schedule.

You can also join PSAC members on the picket lines during off-work hours, like before or after work, on your lunch break, or when you’re off duty. Find the nearest picket line using PSAC’s picket line finder tool.

Review the PSAC strike FAQ here. Please be sure to keep your contact information up to date to receive all the latest updates about bargaining. If you have any questions, please contact your branch president or your PSAC regional office.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

Treasury Board bargaining update

This afternoon, PSAC’s National President, Chris Aylward, National Executive Vice President Sharon DeSousa and Regional Executive Vice President — NCR, Alex Silas gave a bargaining update on Treasury Board bargaining.

Watch now

While members are not on picket lines this weekend, we are still on strike, including members who are regularly scheduled to work on the weekend, and if we don’t reach a deal by Sunday, workers will be back on picket lines Monday morning. Members and public supporters can find the nearest picket line using PSAC’s picket line finder tool.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.