Author Archives: Pierre St-Jacques

Treasury Board strike, day 3: Strike efforts continue across the country

Treasury Board strike, day 3: Be it in the sunshine or the snow, members have continued to show they are determined to get a fair contract. In Ottawa, CIU Board of Directors members were back to support striking workers at 90 Elgin and on Parliament Hill. PSAC-CIU members were also present in St. Thomas, ON, to welcome the Prime Minister, and were active on picket lines in Sherbrooke, Gatineau, Chilliwack, Niagara Falls, Fort Erie, Fort Frances, Sault Ste Marie, Kitchener, St. John, etc., with no sign of slowing down!

See photos below.

Talks continue into the weekend as more than 155,000 workers remain on strike

Icone discussion PSAC-AFPC

We’ve continued to make some progress in negotiations this week as PSAC members joined picket lines across the country to pressure the government for a fair contract.

However, there are several key issues still outstanding at the table, and talks will continue over the weekend for more than 155,000 workers at Treasury Board and Canada Revenue Agency in the hopes of reaching an agreement.

Visit our frequently asked questions for more information about strike action and strike pay.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

Treasury Board strike, day 2: Picket lines filled with solidarity and enthusiasm

Halifax, Gatineau, Ottawa, St. Stephen, Niagara Falls, Dartmouth, Sherbrooke, St. John’s, Fort Frances, Sault Ste Marie… striking PSAC and CIU members were out in force all over the country on this second day of general strike for PA, EB, TC and SV units. Rather inclement weather in some places did not deter members from exercising their right to strike and call on the employer to negotiate fairly at the bargaining table, and photos of enthusiastic picket lines have continued to come in from communities all over.

The CIU National Board of Directors also joined striking workers on the picket lines at 90 Elgin street and on Parliament Hill, in Ottawa, to support, energize, listen to and stand with PSAC members from all horizons. Speaking to the crowd on Parliament Hill, CIU National President Mark Weber was unequivocal: Members all deserve much better, and the employer should be wary of not affording its most vulnerable workers the respect they’re owed.

See photos below.

Treasury Board strike, day 1: Members picket across the country, CIU NBoD joins in solidarity

On this first day of strike for PA, EB, TC and SV units at Treasury Board, members were active on picket lines across the country, showing the employer that they are ready to take action and continue fighting until the government comes back to the table with as fair offer. Photos have poured in from cities from coast to coast — Halifax, Sarnia, Edmundston, Calgary, Gatineau, Ottawa, St. Catharines… the list goes on!

Meeting in Ottawa this week, the CIU National Board of Directors, including CIU National President Mark Weber, also joined striking members on the picket line today, along with PSAC  National President Chris Aylward and PSAC NEVP Sharon DeSousa, standing in solidarity with all TB workers, and clearly signaling to Treasury Board that an affront to one is an affront to all. By refusing to bargain fairly at the table, the employer hurts us all.

See photos below.

[Updated] TB strike: CIU representatives cease all communication with the employer

Photo of CIU flag

Effective immediately, in light of the ongoing Treasury Board strike, CIU and all of its representatives, including National Office staff, are to stop interacting with the employer regarding all union-related matters, for all units, except for:

  • Filing grievances
  • Consulting on grievances (as some timelines are contractual)
  • Attending meetings related to a disciplinary, administrative or investigative hearing regarding a member;
  • Reporting imminent health and safety hazards, and
  • Attending workplace health and safety committee meetings

Normal communications will resume once the strike is over.