Author Archives: Pierre St-Jacques

FB bargaining: Team discusses firearm and telework issues while employer pushes concessions


The new year brought new bargaining dates for our FB team as we returned to the table with Treasury Board/Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) from January 31 to February 2, picking up where we left off in December. With the last day of this bargaining session coinciding with the FB day of mobilization on Feb 2 (see photos here), the team was re-energized with support from members across the country.

During bargaining, our team proposed the reintroduction of paid firearm practice time. We also discussed our proposal concerning paid time for members to tool up and tool down at the beginning and end of each shift. Unfortunately, no progress was made on these issues, even though grievances have been filed.

While at the table, we took the opportunity to once again rebuke Treasury Board’s flawed hybrid work policy, against which PSAC has now filed a freeze complaint to halt the policy, and policy grievances on behalf of members. Our team reiterated that we need telework language that allows us to grieve in our collective agreement, because the government’s botched rollout of their policy has made it abundantly clear that Treasury Board and CBSA are not to be trusted.

CBSA continues to propose concessions

Meanwhile, CBSA continued to push for significant concessions, including their proposal to add new restrictions to Article 41, leave without pay for the care of family. We believe any restrictions on this leave will lead to management rejecting all requests, as ‘no’ is the default with CBSA management. The employer also wants to water down our variable shift schedule agreement (VSSA) and hours of work rights. Our team rejected these proposals and told the employer we are only interested in improving our collective agreement, not going backwards.

Next steps

We are in the process of setting additional dates with the employer. In the meantime, we encourage you to read our bargaining proposals to ensure you know what we’re fighting for:

Please be sure to keep your contact information up to date to receive all the latest updates about bargaining. If you have any questions, please contact your branch president or your PSAC regional office.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

February 2, 2023: Solidarity redux

Photo of CIU flag

On February 2 — Groundhog Day — our FB bargaining team was back at the bargaining table, where the employer continued to display the same inconsiderate attitude we’ve seen before, repeating a pattern we’re all too familiar with.

Luckily, CIU members from coast to coast to coast, in a display of solidarity reminiscent of August 6, 2021, were ready to step up once again and support their bargaining team, displaying signs, swag and stickers. Last round of bargaining, the employer saw what we could do when we’re united, and the message we sent on February 2 was clear: If they want to repeat the past, so can we. But we’re not going to wait three years.

See the gallery below for photos of the day.

Celebrating Black labour leadership, creating better workplaces for all

Black History Month is an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the contributions and accomplishments of Black leaders, workers, cultures and communities across Canada. Our labour movement has been shaped and fortified by the leadership of people of African and Caribbean descent, and we are proud to build and grow in solidarity together toward a more equitable future.

This Black History Month, PSAC invites you to register for a national virtual panel discussion on February 20, 2023 with Black leaders in Canada’s labour movement.

Register Now

Black History Month is about honouring Black excellence and the continued perseverance of leadership within our communities,” said Craig Reynolds, PSAC Ontario Regional Executive Vice-President, who will moderate the event.

“We have been at the forefront of the fight to end racism and discrimination, rallying for workers’ rights and transforming our labour movement into a powerful avenue for social change. Our accomplishments must be recognized, and our achievements celebrated.”

Join us to celebrate Black labour leaders in Canada. Learn about the victories and challenges faced by Black labour leaders, how they bring a more inclusive approach to labour’s agenda and are shifting the landscape towards a more equitable workplace and society for everyone.

“Black labour leaders are keeping the movement accountable to end discrimination and remove systemic barriers to make our workplaces more inclusive for everyone,” added Jan Simpson, President of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, who will be part of the panel.

  • What: A virtual panel discussion to celebrate Black leadership in the Canadian labour movement 
  • Who:
    • Craig Reynolds, Regional Executive Vice President for PSAC Ontario (moderator)
    • Jan Simpson, President, Canadian Union of Postal Workers
    • Jason MacLean, Secretary-Treasurer, National Union of Public and General Employees
    • Marc-Édouard Joubert, President, Regional Council, Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec
  • When: Monday, February 20, 6 p.m. EST

Register Now

The panel will be offered in English and French with simultaneous interpretation. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with more details about joining the panel.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

SV group: PIC report gives little direction

PSAC has received the Public Interest Commission (PIC) report affecting more than 10,000 members in the SV group. Hearings concluded in November and unfortunately, similar to the TC PIC report, the report provides no clear direction other than a recommendation that both parties return to the bargaining table.

Read the PIC report

The report confirms what we have been saying for over a year since bargaining began in June 2021: If Treasury Board wants a deal, then they need to come to the table with a mandate that properly addresses wages and market adjustments.

Real power of bargaining is with members   

Strike votes will be conducted from February 22 to April 19, 2023 and after the conclusion of PIC reports for the EB and PA bargaining groups PSAC would be in a legal position to take strike action if the membership has voted in favour of doing so.

Register for upcoming SV group townhalls    

National virtual townhall meetings are being held for PSAC members in Treasury Board bargaining groups. Register for SV townhall meetings taking place on January 31, February 1, and February 2.

Stay informed and engaged  

Keep your contact information up to date to receive all latest bargaining updates.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.