Author Archives: Pierre St-Jacques

FB Bargaining: Definition of years of service will remain the same

A majority of PSAC-Customs and Immigration Union (PSAC-CIU) members voted to keep the existing definition of years of service in the collective agreement. As a result, the Border Services (FB) bargaining team will not be seeking any changes to the years of service definition.

Online and telephone voting was held between February 18 and March 1.

Due to the unprecedented nature of this vote, and given that it is not a ratification vote governed by Regulation 15, PSAC-CIU is releasing a breakdown of the vote:

Options Votes Share (%)
1 — I support the Union taking the position in negotiations that the definition of years of service (seniority) should be changed to include time in the Canadian Forces as defined in Article 34.03 a) ii) for all areas of the collective agreement where years of service is applied. 816 40.5
2 —  I support leaving the definition of service as it is currently defined in the collective agreement. 1,197 59.5
Total 2,013 100

For the latest bargaining news, visit You can also sign up for email bargaining updates.

The original version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.

FB Bargaining: Limited progress during second meeting

Photo of a BSO - Photo d'un ASF

The PSAC-CIU bargaining team representing the Border Services (FB) group met with Treasury Board/CBSA the week of February 25 for a second negotiating session towards a new collective agreement.

Harassment protections

In light of CBSA’s February 27 ‘Pink Shirt Day’ initiative to raise awareness about harassment in the workplace, the bargaining team reminded CBSA and Treasury Board that there are serious problems with abuse of authority and harassment by management in CBSA workplaces across the country. Considering these serious, ongoing problems, the union is looking for much greater protections against harassment from CBSA management in the next contract.


The bargaining team asked CBSA about its plans on telework and presented formal proposals for new collective agreement articles on the matter. PSAC-CIU has been pushing for years for greater access to teleworking opportunities for Trade Compliance officers and other non-uniformed personnel.

The team also reminded CBSA that, under the law, the Agency must consult the union and gain the union’s consent before moving forward with any changes in the current terms and conditions of employment. The Agency has effectively ignored the Treasury Board policy on telework for many years.

Maternity and Parental Leave

The union proposed a 93% top up for the new 18-month maternity and parental leave option introduced by the government in 2017. The employer rejected this but the bargaining team indicated it will continue maintaining this proposal.

Click here to review PSAC-CIU’s package of proposals as well as those of the employer.

The next negotiating session will be held the week of April 8. For more information visit

The original version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.

2007: Creation of the FB group

As a show of support for our FB bargaining team returning to the table this week, we present our first vignette on union victories: The creation of the FB group, in 2007.

If border officers have a distinct voice today, it is thanks to the continued pressure and efforts of CIU and the support of PSAC. After years of lobbying by the union and its members, a stand-alone FB group was created in 2007, giving front-line personnel their own collective agreement and paving the way for true recognition as law enforcement. Prior to the FB group, these members were part of the much larger PA group. With this new structure, they took control of their own bargaining and representation.

Since the creation of the FB group, CIU and PSAC have succeeded in securing a remarkable 48% increase in compensation for front-line officers – the largest increase for law enforcement personnel achieved by any union in Canada since 2007.

Photo of BSO and dog with text explaining the creation of the FB group (same text as on the page)

Click for full-size version.

For more union victories, see this page, and follow us on social media using #CIUvictories.

Celebrating our victories

For more than half a century, CIU and its members have been on the front-line of union advocacy. In our Victories section, we celebrate the hard-won and hard-fought labour battles that gave our members – be they law-enforcement or civilian – the many rights and protections they enjoy today, from stronger representation to a safer work environment.

We invite you to discover how our union helped shape and transform Canada’s first line of defence: available below is a series of short vignettes published on our website and on social media (#CIUvictories), each showcasing a victory or an event of importance in the history of our organization.

Already published:

Job Posting: Labour Relations Officer – Bilingual (Band 11)


The Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) is seeking to hire a full time bilingual Labour  Relations Officer with extensive experience to be staffed on an indeterminate basis. Priority for this opportunity shall be accorded as follows: Employees of CIU; Members of the Alliance Employees Union (AEU); other PSAC Unionized employees; Members of CIU; Members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada; Members of the general public.


  • CIU National Office, Ottawa, Ontario


Under the general direction of the Office Director, the successful candidate will assume
responsibility for specified aspects of one or more of CIU’s Labour Relations Officer portfolios

  • Providing guidance and advice on all aspects of the public service grievance process and
    staffing complaint process, including interpretation and application of collective agreements, public service legislation and related regulations and procedures;
  • Developing and presenting the union’s arguments either at the final-level grievance process
    to the Agency’s representative or before the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Employment Board;
  • Preparing and forwarding grievance files for arbitration hearings;
  • Providing technical advice and guidance to elected union officers, members, and co-workers in the carrying out of CIU activities.

Knowledge and Qualifications

  • Post-secondary graduate in labour relations, political science, social sciences, law,
    legislative studies or a related discipline, or an equivalent combination of education and
    experience with a minimum of five (5) years’ experience in grievance, adjudication and ADR
    processes, or equivalent relevant experience;
  • Knowledge of the broader labour movement and commitment to trade union principles and social justice issues;
  • Knowledge of the structure of the Canadian Border Services Agency and the Acts, Regulations, Legislation, directives, policies and procedures that govern the employment and working conditions of CIU members;
  • Knowledge of the political and operational structures of the CIU and PSAC;
  • Ability to research, analyze, explain and interpret collective agreements, employment
    legislation, jurisprudence and employer policies and directives in order to successfully analyze complex situations to develop and recommend appropriate solutions;
  • High level of ability to work independently as well as within a team;
  • Close attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines;
  • Ability to use current computer-based technology including MS Office, internet, email and
    various software applications;
  • Demonstrated strong judgment, problem-solving, conflict resolution, initiative, interpersonal and leaderships skills;
  • Strong oral and written English and French communications skills;
  • Ability to adapt to changes and changing priorities;
  • Familiarity with Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR).


  • $94,007 to $106,768 plus $1,500 bilingual bonus per year.

Terms and conditions of employment apply as negotiated between CIU and the Alliance Employees Union (AEU), Unit 15.

All applications will be reviewed by a Screening Board. The Board’s determination for a written
test or personal interview will be based on the contents of the application. It will be the
responsibility of applicants to include evidence of demonstrated required qualifications
when applying. No travel expenses will be reimbursed by CIU.

Applications will be received until the close of business March 11, 2019 (5:00 p.m. ET)

Please forward your curriculum vitae to the attention of Jean-Pierre Fortin, National President at
the CIU National Office at