Author Archives: Pierre St-Jacques

PA, EB, TC & SV Bargaining: Letter to MPs


After more than two years of hardships under Phoenix, our members continue to show up to work every day and deliver the services Canadians depend on. PSAC expects this government to negotiate a collective agreement that recognizes the value of their work and their dedication to Canadians.

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Classification Reform: PSAC Files PA Bargaining Unit Policy Grievance

CIU Flag / Drapeau du SDI

The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) has filed a policy grievance on behalf of the Program and Administrative Services (PA) bargaining unit in response to Treasury Board failing to meet classification reform deadlines.

The classification reform process

Classification reform across most of our Treasury Board bargaining units has been a painstakingly slow process that was further delayed throughout the years of Harper’s cutbacks.

In the last round of negotiations, PSAC’s bargaining team negotiated stronger language into the PA collective agreement regarding a review of the occupational group structure, as well as general timelines for classification reform. The occupational group structure review was to be completed by December 30, 2017.

Failing to meet deadlines

During this round of bargaining, the employer was expected to come to the table ready to negotiate with new classification standards and job descriptions for the PA group. The employer has failed to meet that obligation, which has led to the filing of the policy grievance.

PSAC’s long-standing objectives on classification reform continue to be:

  • replacement of the current, very outdated Treasury Board classification system;
  • development of job evaluation standards and job descriptions that reflect current work realities and that are pay equity compliant.

Now that collective bargaining has resumed we will be addressing this issue at the negotiation table in addition to enforcing the existing contract.

PSAC will continue to pursue a classification system that will evaluate and compensate all of our members fairly and equitably for the important work they do.

A version of this article was posted on the PSAC website.

Reminder: 2018 Bargaining Demands Input Call for Border Services (FB) Group

FB Bargaining

The Public Service Alliance of Canada will soon be approaching the employer to begin negotiations for the renewal of the collective agreement for the FB Group. To ensure that we succeed in achieving the demands of importance to the membership, member participation and direct input into the process is critical.

Members of the bargaining unit are encouraged to fill out the online form to provide the improvements and changes they would like to see made to the collective agreement.

This form will be online and open for input until July 27, 2018.

A version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.

PA, EB, TC & SV Groups Bargaining: PSAC Pushes for Improvements, Government Starts Slow


As Treasury Board bargaining resumed this week, the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) responded to the employer’s proposals with a clear mandate for improvements to working conditions. PSAC’s PA, EB, TC and SV bargaining teams highlighted the need for greater work-life balance and improvements to pay and leave, among other important gains for federal public service workers.

Unfortunately, the employer was only prepared to offer their first impressions of PSAC’s non-monetary proposals. It’s disappointing that PSAC came to the table fully ready to bargain, but Treasury Board was only concerned with resolving ‘housekeeping’ issues at this stage.

The majority of federal public service workers have suffered under Phoenix for more than two years and continue to provide Canadians with the critical services they depend on. We expect the government to come to the table prepared to negotiate a contract that reflects that dedication, as well as the value of their work.

PSAC members are still waiting for their Phoenix pay problems to end; they should not have to wait for the working conditions they deserve.

A version of this article was posted on the PSAC website.

Update: Accommodations for Use of Force Limitations

Arming Initiative Featured Image, depicting the hand of a BSO on a holstered firearm

On July 4, 2018, the CIU National Executive, the National Human Rights Representative Brother Star, Labour Relations Officer Sister Randle and PSAC Legal Officer Sister Berry met with the CBSA for a G-1 meeting to discuss the Condition of Employment to be armed and the Duty to Accommodate those with use of force limitations.

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