Author Archives: Jayson Roy

“25-and-out” pension reform announcement: A remarkable victory for public safety and law enforcement workers

Photo of CIU flag

The announcement by the federal government regarding new pension legislation, earlier today, constitutes a victory of historic proportions for public safety and law enforcement workers across the country, including CIU’s own FB members. I would like to join PSAC National President Sharon DeSousa in highlighting the importance of this announcement for PSAC and CIU members.

Once passed, this legislative reform will allow our members to retire with dignity after 25 years of service. Let me be clear: This represents a monumental leap for CBSA personnel. Our union has long advocated for pension reform that would see our members treated in the same way as other law enforcement officers, and CIU wholeheartedly commends the federal government for committing to this much needed reform that recognizes the demanding nature of the work performed by our members.

I know many of you will have questions regarding the implementation of these changes, and we will be keeping a close eye on the legislative process as the government works on adopting the required modifications. We will make sure to update you as things progress.

Thank you and in solidarity,

Mark Weber
CIU National President

Summary of FB tentative agreement


After more than two years without a contract and a tremendous display of solidarity from FB members across the country, PSAC and the Customs and Immigration Union have reached a tentative agreement for more than 9,000 Canada Border Services Agency workers.

The agreement provides wage increases that greatly exceed those provided across the broader law enforcement community in Canada, stronger workplace protections, and improvements for both uniformed and non-uniformed members at CBSA. A full copy of the new language is available in the ratification kit.

The FB bargaining team unanimously recommends ratification of the tentative agreement.

Highlights of the tentative agreement


The four-year agreement will expire on June 20, 2026.

Wages increases that exceed other major Canadian law enforcement agencies

PSAC negotiated wage increases totaling 14.8% over four years – representing a compounded increase of 15.73% – retroactive to June 2022. These wage increases greatly exceed increases provided across the broader law enforcement community in Canada – including the Royal Canadian Mounted Police – for the years of the agreement.

  • Effective June 21, 2022 – 3.5% + 1.25% for a total compounded increase of 4.8%
  • Effective June 21, 2023 – 3% + 2.8% for a total compounded increase of 5.9%
  • Effective June 21, 2024 – 2% + 0.25% for a total compounded increase of 2.255%
  • Effective June 21, 2025 – 2%

One-time lump-sum payment

PSAC secured a pensionable $2,500 one-time lump sum payment for all employees in the bargaining unit upon the date of signing. The pensionable lump sum payment will be applicable to all members of the bargaining unit employed at the time of signing the agreement. For members approaching retirement, the pensionable lump sum payment will contribute to their average salary for their best five years of service and increase their overall pension payments in retirement.

Other monetary gains

  • A 12.5% increase in shift and weekend premium – from $2.00 to $2.25 an hour. Our shift and weekend premiums are now the highest in the federal law enforcement community, and greatly exceed other major law enforcement organizations such as the OPP and  Sûreté du Québec.
  • Members in Intelligence, Investigations and Inland Enforcement will be reimbursed up to $500 a year for the purchase of plain clothes.
  • A new annual Hearings Officer allowance of $500.
  • A new pensionable, annual $1000 allowance for non-uniform employees.
  • The employer must now reimburse employees for the cost of medical certificates up to $35.

Leave improvements

  • Employees will now be able to access four weeks of vacation leave after seven years of employment instead of eight years of employment.
  • Improvements regarding travelling time, including a reduction from 40 nights to 20 nights to access an additional day of leave.
  • Expanded access to Family-Related Responsibility and Bereavement Leave.

Protections around technological changes  

The new agreement provides clear mechanisms for meaningful discussion with the union on any proposed technological changes in the workplace and includes new protections in the context of the introduction of new systems and software.


For the first time, we have secured new language in the agreement that ensures employees have access to union representation in all disciplinary, administrative and investigative meetings conducted by CBSA management – including Professional Standards Investigations. The agreement also contains new language that ensures an appropriate effort will be made to conduct investigations within a reasonable amount of time. Lengthy, drawn-out investigations have been a longstanding issue for FB members at CBSA.

Hours of work and Variable Shift Scheduling Agreements

We successfully pushed back against employer concessions around hours of work and Variable Shift Scheduling Agreements (VSSAs). The union has retained the ability to negotiate VSSAs at the local level and protected union members’ right to vote on local VSSAs.

The new agreement contains language that establishes a new committee mandated to discuss line bidding by seniority that builds on the existing language in the collective agreement. We also defended members’ rights to access Leave Without Pay for Care of Family without reference to operational requirements.


If the collective agreement implementation period goes beyond 180 days and when the outstanding amount owed is greater than $500, the employer will pay a $200 lump sum per member.


The FB bargaining team secured an agreement in line with Treasury Board collective agreements in a letter of agreement that requires managers to assess remote work requests individually, not by group, and provide written responses that will allow members and PSAC to hold the employer accountable to equitable and fair decision-making on remote work.

That means employee rights around remote work arrangements will be protected through a grievance process, and grievances that are not settled prior to the final step of the grievance process can be referred to a new joint union-management panel for review in each department to address issues related to the employer’s application of the remote work directive in the workplace.  

In addition to the letter signed between PSAC and Treasury Board, the President of CBSA has, in tandem with negotiations, committed in writing to establish a national joint CIU-CBSA committee to engage in consultation concerning the hybrid work model at CBSA. The committee has committed to meet immediately, well before Spember2024

PSAC and Treasury Board have also agreed to create a joint committee to review and update the telework policy for the government last updated in 2020 – before the pandemic began.

Next steps

FB group members will be invited to participate in online ratification votes will be shared as soon as possible. Details about the ratification vote process will be shared in the coming days. Our bargaining team is unanimously recommending a YES vote.

To ensure that you receive all updates and can participate in the ratification process, please update your contact information.


PDF icon 2024-06-13_fb_border_services_-_ratification_kit.pdf

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

Tentative agreement reached for more than 9,000 workers at Canada Border Services Agency, summary available


After nearly two years of without a contract, the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and the Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) have reached tentative agreements with Treasury Board and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) for over 9,000 members of the FB bargaining unit.

The four-year agreement – spanning from June 2022 to June 2026 – includes a total compounded wage increase of 15.7%, highlighting the value of the work done by FB unit members and exceeding recent wage increases provided in other Canadian law enforcement agencies. Additionally, the agreement features enhanced protections relative to technological changes, and better provisions for shift scheduling and leave.

Our bargaining team worked around the clock to secure the best contract for our members, and this tentative agreement is a testament to their incredible hard work and dedication,” said Sharon DeSousa, PSAC National President. “This is a well-deserved victory for our members at CBSA who safeguard our nation’s borders and ensure the safety and security of all Canadians.”

The agreement, reached after nine days of around-the-clock negotiations, avoids potential job action at Canada’s borders.

I’m proud of the solidarity our members have shown over the past two years of negotiations,” said Mark Weber, CIU National President. “Our bargaining team couldn’t have won this agreement without the support of thousands of members across the country who supported their efforts.”

The FB bargaining team is unanimously recommending ratification of the tentative agreement. An online vote will take place in the coming weeks.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

PSAC celebrates equitable pension reform for thousands of frontline workers

Frontline firefighters

The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) applauds the federal government’s announcement of new pension reform legislation today, which will provide equitable retirement benefits for thousands of frontline public safety and law enforcement workers across the country.

This landmark legislation marks a significant victory for our members who have been advocating for fair pension treatment for more than a decade.

It’s National Public Service Week, and I can’t think of better news to deliver to the federal workers who keep us safe every single day,” said Sharon DeSousa, PSAC National President. “After years of being treated like second-class workers, this legislation will offer a dignified retirement to thousands of frontline workers.

PSAC members expected to be covered by the legislation include frontline border services staff, Coast Guard search and rescue technicians, Parks Canada wildland firefighters, Department of National Defence firefighters on military bases, and correctional officers, paramedics and firefighters working for the three territorial governments.

These frontline workers play a crucial role ensuring the safety and well-being of Canadians across the country; protecting our borders, fighting devastating wildfires and delivering vital emergency services in remote communities.

Nearly a decade of hard work and advocacy by our members has finally paid off,” said DeSousa. “Now, these dedicated frontline workers will no longer be forced to work five years longer before they can retire, just like other public safety workers across the country.

Most public safety and law enforcement workers in Canada already benefit from early retirement options, including most firefighters, air traffic controllers, RCMP constables, and operational employees at Correctional Services Canada.

This equitable pension reform will allow more public safety workers to retire with dignity after 25 years of service without penalties.

We’ll be reviewing this legislation carefully and pushing the government to adopt these changes swiftly to provide frontline workers with fair retirement benefits as soon as possible,” said DeSousa.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

Tentative agreement reached for more than 9,000 workers at Canada Border Services Agency, strike action averted


The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and the Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) have reached a tentative agreement for more than 9,000 workers at CBSA, avoiding potential job action at Canada’s borders.

Our bargaining team has been working around the clock to secure the best contract for our members, and this tentative agreement is a testament to their incredible hard work and dedication,” said Sharon DeSousa, PSAC National President. ”This is a well-deserved victory for our members at CBSA who safeguard our nation’s borders and ensure the safety and security of all Canadians.

Full details of the tentative agreement will be announced once the ratification kit is available for members Thursday, June 13.

I’m proud of the solidarity our members have shown over that past two years of negotiations,” said Mark Weber, CIU National President. “Our bargaining team couldn’t have won this agreement without the strength and support shown by thousands of members across the country who took action to support our bargaining team.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.