Author Archives: Pierre St-Jacques

CIU Expresses Concerns on CBSA Reducing Hours of Operation at Ports of Entry


Press Release – Ottawa, August 4, 2017 – The National President of the Customs and Immigration Union which represents 10,000 members, most of whom are front line border services and inland immigration enforcement officers, has raised concerns regarding the recent announcement that the Canada Border Services Agency will be reducing hours of operation at six ports of entry in New Brunswick beginning this Sunday on August 6.

CIU National President Jean-Pierre Fortin provided details of the looming closures:

“Hours of operation will be reduced in the future at all of the Bloomfield, Milltown, Centreville, Gillespie, Forest City and Forestville ports of entry. The only ‘explanation’ provided by CBSA is that this reduction in operational capabilities is being done to ‘harmonize’ hours of operation with US facilities.”

Fortin was critical of the decision and its potential impact on the country’s security.

“Canadians would be better served if instead of reducing our operations to match those of the U.S., our Government proactively worked with US authorities to revise practices and Agreements so that the current crisis of persons entering Canada illegally from the U.S. can be addressed. CIU is also specifically alarmed that this reduction of front line personnel and operations will expand from New Brunswick and also be imposed in Quebec which is currently undergoing a flood of persons entering our country illegally. Reducing front line officer capabilities contradicts the public interests of public safety and facilitated legitimate cross border trade and travel. It is also important to note that the U.S. has a dedicated border patrol that can maintain its country’s security despite a reduction in hours.”

Fortin also outlined the larger issue of CBSA’s continuing reduction of operational capabilities which the Trudeau Government needs to step up and repair.

“These latest actions by CBSA further reduce front line operational capabilities that began in 2012 with the former Government’s Deficit Reduction Action Plan. We lost over 1,250 front line operational positions through that initiative. The erosion of front line operations personnel continues with these latest cuts and with what I fear will be more on the horizon. On more than one occasion, CIU has asked the Liberal Government to reinstate the positions that were cut by the previous government. It has also asked for the creation of a dedicated border patrol that would allow it to maintain the integrity of the border. It’s not just asylum seekers who are crossing illegally, there are also drugs and weapons. Today’s circumstances clearly demonstrate that our Government is further weakening our country’s first line of defence. We need to ensure that CBSA receives the necessary funding and that it properly deploys the operational personnel our country needs so that CBSA officers can perform their duties to protect and promote the safety, security and well-being of Canadians.”

The Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) is a component of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), which represents Canada’s Front-Line Customs and Immigration Officers. CIU also represents Investigation, Intelligence and Trade Customs Officers, Immigration Inland Enforcement and Hearings Officers, as well as all support staff – all of whom work at the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA).

For more information, please contact

Jean-Pierre Fortin
National President
(613) 723-8008
(450) 357-6684 (m)

Download the PDF version of this press release.

New Information Regarding Phoenix

Treasury Board has recently shared documents providing details regarding changes to the Directive on Terms and Conditions of Employment, as well as information pertaining to new claims process for employees who are experiencing delays in receiving the full amount of government benefits and credits. Treasury Board notes that these changes have been made to lessen potential financial hardships due to the implementation of Phoenix. Please review the documents for further information (click on each link to download). Please note that all documents are provided as Word (.docx) documents.

Working for a Fair Contract for Border Services Members

FB Bargaining

While Parliament is in recess over the summer, members of CIU’s National Board of Directors across the country are taking lobbying training and bringing our message to Members of Parliament. We’re talking to MPs about what it means to work for the Canada Border Services Agency and the importance of achieving a contract that provides parity with other law enforcement agencies.

Across Canada, we’re calling on MPs to contact Treasury Board President Scott Brison in support of our demand for an early retirement regime, one that reflects what is already in place for other law enforcement personnel in the federal public service.

There are many MPs we need to meet. While some meetings have already taken place, it’s not too late for CIU members to participate by volunteering to meet with their MP. Contact your Branch President who can provide you with helpful notes and information. Members can also get involved in Branch activities taking place over the summer to remind the employer that we want an agreement that meets our needs.

Progress is being made on an Essential Services Agreement

Talks concerning an essential services’ agreement (ESA) with Treasury Board are ongoing and progress has been made. Our hope is that an agreement will be reached in the very near future.

Because the essential services agreement determines which services can and cannot be withdrawn in the event of a job action, resolving the ESA with Treasury Board is critical step in the bargaining process that must be completed before a strike vote can be called and job action undertaken. We’ll provide an update as talks continue.

We’re preparing for the Public Interest Commission

Work is underway to prepare the extensive presentation and submission that our union will make before the Public Interest Commission (PIC). The first hearing dates are October 17 and 18.

A version of this article was also published on the PSAC website.

2018 PA, SV, TC & EB Bargaining – Program of Demands & Input Call


The collective agreements for the Program Administration (PA), Operational (SV), Technical (TC), and Education/Library Science (EB) bargaining units will expire between June and August 2018, and PSAC anticipates serving notice to bargain in early Summer of 2018 for each of them. In preparation for bargaining for the units mentioned above, PSAC will hold a National Bargaining Conference. which will take place from March 26 to 29, 2018, in Ottawa.

An input call for bargaining demands for PA, SV, TC, and EB Bargaining Units has also been issued. For more information on the Bargaining Conference and on how to submit Bargaining Demands, please carefully review the documents below:

  • CIU National Office Memorandum on the input call and on National Bargaining Conference recruitment for PA, SV,TC, and EB Bargaining Units
    [Download PDF]
  • PSAC’s Program Of Demands and Input Call For Treasury Board Bargaining Units (PA, SV, TC, EB)
    [Download PDF]
  • Proposal Form for Collective Bargaining
    [Download Word Document]