Author Archives: Pierre St-Jacques

CBSA: Twenty years of undermining the human element

Photo of CIU flag

Recently, CBSA shared a post on social media celebrating its twentieth anniversary. What should have been an innocuous statement instead shed light on just how disconnected the Agency is from its history, its personnel, and its mission towards Canadians.

It’s hard to believe such a short publication could so succinctly embody much of what is wrong with the Agency’s vision for Canada’s borders.

From the ill-advised attempt at using an archive photo from what looks to be the 1930s to represent the turn of the millennium to the post’s sole focus on travel facilitation through automation, it’s clear the Agency understands little about the passage of time, and even less about what CBSA stands for.

While it’s easy to laugh at the idea that a federal agency seems to think that the early 2000s are indistinguishable from the first half of the past century, CBSA’s obsession with automation and facilitation is undoubtedly more concerning.

It will likely not come as a surprise to most border personnel who are used to the Agency’s ways, but it is telling that CBSA chose to highlight twenty years of existence by touting its automated kiosks without touching upon any aspect of border security whatsoever. It’s also telling that the Agency chose to illustrate the current state of affairs by using a sterile picture of its eGates with nary a person — traveller or Border Services personnel alike — in the foreground. Clearly, for CBSA, the human element is of little importance.

So, too, it would appear, is the security aspect of its mission. Our Border Services Agency plays a role far greater than simply facilitating entry at airports. As Canada’s first line of defense, CBSA officers are dedicated to protecting our communities. For the past twenty years, they have played a crucial role in keeping all manner of public safety threats that could harm Canadians out of our country — including dangerous offenders involved in trafficking illegal firearms, drugs, and child pornography. How little must the Agency think of this work to leave it out of a simple celebratory post? How little must it think of its personnel or its responsibility to Canadians?

Again — and sadly — this probably won’t come as a surprise to those working for the Agency. For years, CIU has called upon the government and CBSA to better support its officers and invest in its personnel, and for years the Agency has disregarded this, preferring to pursue the very opposite. Still, CBSA’s position has rarely been made as evident as it is in this latest social media post: The Agency is telling us loud and clear what it is, and it’s not good for Canadians. We should listen.

Eligibility for strike pay on May 1


PA, EB, TC and SV members who returned to work following the end of the Treasury Board strike on May 1 may be eligible for additional PSAC strike pay.

If you received the notice of return to work too late to be able to work your usual shift the morning of May 1, or the delay caused you to incur a financial loss based upon working a shorter day on May 1, you could be entitled to full or partial PSAC strike pay equivalent for the times in question.

Members who lost less than four (4) hours of wages but a minimum of one (1) hour of wages will be entitled to the equivalent of part-time PSAC strike pay (ranging from $53 dollars to $98.70 depending upon your work location based upon strike pay regulations) while members who lost more than four (4) hours wages will be entitled to the equivalent of a full day of PSAC strike pay (ranging from $75 to $141 depending upon your work location based upon strike pay regulations).

In order to be eligible, you must provide proof of loss of income or leave that you were required to use, then complete this form so that your PSAC regional office can process your request for additional PSAC strike pay.

This top-up will only cover the equivalent of PSAC strike pay. Please contact your component for further information regarding component strike pay top-ups where applicable.

Please note: CIU will issue strike top-up payments to members based on the information provided by PSAC. There is no need for members to contact CIU directly, as the required information will be communicated by PSAC to the component. Please make sure to complete the form so that your request can be processed by PSAC.

This article is based on content first posted on the PSAC website.

Quick reference guides for union representatives

What do I do? is a series of quick reference guides prepared by the Customs and Immigration Union to provide useful information to both new and seasoned union representatives on a variety of issues of interest to the membership. The series covers topics such as fact-findings and PSI investigations, the grievance process, mental health crises, use of force, tool removal, etc. While the reference guides are intended for union representatives, members will certainly find these informative as well.

Click on the image below to download the collected reference guides in a single PDF document, or see the links further down for each individual guide (PDF files).

Related content: Recourse options for members

Recourse options for members

The Customs and Immigration Union has prepared easy reference sheets detailing different redress channels to help members navigate recourse options available in various situations.

Note that in some instances, it may be necessary to seek redress through multiple channels for the same incident(s). As always, please reach out to your local union representative(s) should you have questions regarding specific redress channels.

Click on the image below to download the collected reference sheets in a single PDF document, or see the links further down for each individual topic (PDF files).

Related content: Quick reference guides for union representatives