Author Archives: Pierre St-Jacques

What to expect at PSAC’s 2022 convention

PSAC’s 2022 National Triennial Convention is being held virtually from May 26 to May 27 and May 30 to June 3.

PSAC’s national convention is unlike any other event within our union. Every three years, more than 500 members from communities across Canada attend to discuss and decide the path forward for our union.

However, the pandemic has forced us to adapt and make some changes.

Since PSAC’s 2021 convention was postponed due to the pandemic, the business of this convention will set the course for a shorter — but critically important — two-year window of opportunity instead of the usual three-year cycle.

We’re also holding this year’s convention virtually to protect the health and safety of our members and staff, and their communities and families when they return home.

Despite these changes, the business of this convention has not changed.

What to expect at PSAC’s 2022 convention

  • Debate about resolutions on PSAC initiatives, campaigns and changes to our union’s structure and rules;
  • A review of PSAC’s financial position and adoption of a new budget for the next two years;
  • The election of PSAC’s national president, national executive vice-president and alternate national executive vice-president to a two-year term;
  • A look back at the past four years of our victories and achievements;
  • And an address from Canadian Labour Congress President Bea Bruske.

For all the latest convention news:

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

Delays at airports: CBSA & Minister Mendicino must ensure proper staffing at customs

Airplane seen from above.

OTTAWA, May 18, 2022 — As travellers arriving at Canada’s international airports continue to experience extensive delays, the National President of the Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) is calling upon the Minister of Public Safety and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to increase the number of border services officers assigned to passenger operations in Canadian airports and alleviate the pressure on both airport personnel and travellers.

“It is absolutely irresponsible of the federal government to let the situation stand as it is” said Mark Weber, CIU National President. “These delays are a source of frustration for all and contribute to the considerable overcrowding of already busy airports. I urge Minister Mendicino and CBSA to increase the number of border officers and review the infrastructure in place in order to speed up the processing of travellers.”

This situation was foreseeable: Over the past decade, the number of officers assigned to passenger operations has decreased dramatically. At present, at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport alone, CIU estimates that fewer than 300 officers are active in the passenger operations section — nearly half of the number needed to process inbound travellers in a timely manner, and far less than were present just six years ago. This is not unique to Toronto either, with both Vancouver and Montreal facing similar staffing issues.

“The reality is that even with the eventual lifting of current public health measures, significant delays will likely persist, not only due to the critical shortage of officers in most border operations across the country, but also due to an over-reliance on inefficient technologies” explained Mark Weber, adding that the union estimates that an officer can process a traveller twice as fast as the automated Primary Inspection Kiosks.

During busy times, such kiosks also take away valuable space from travellers waiting to go through customs, causing an overflow of travellers outside of the customs area. In addition, many have noted that the new ArriveCan application makes the process more complex for travellers, adding to already substantial delays. While both these technologies may have their role to play, they are no substitute for the expertise of a trained officer, undermining in many ways the security of the country.

Ultimately, it should come as no surprise that there are significant delays in inbound traveller operations when few officers are assigned to primary inspection, with many booths remaining empty at peak times. With travel resuming in force, the situation is likely to worsen, and the primary solution is to ensure that enough border officers are available to process travellers at all major international airports in Canada.

PSAC declares impasse in Treasury Board bargaining over insulting wage offer

After nearly a year of negotiations with Treasury Board, we made the difficult decision to declare impasse for more than 120,000 of our members in the PASVTC and EB groups.

This week, we filed for conciliation with the federal labour board, and we’ll be ramping up our pressure on the government across the country this summer to reach a fair settlement quickly.

Every round of bargaining matters, but this one is especially critical. So much has changed for our members over the past two years, and our collective agreements need to reflect that. We’ve seen how the pandemic has impacted the way we live and work, and now the cost of living is getting out of hand.

We’re asking for sensible improvements to our members’ working conditions so that workers aren’t left behind. We need more options for remote work and better work-life balance as we recover from the pandemic, inclusive workplaces, better job security and fair wages that keep up with rising inflation.

But all we’ve seen at the table is disrespect from Treasury Board and a complete disregard for the issues that matter most to PSAC members. They have flat-out rejected our proposals on mental health and anti-racism and discrimination training for all federal public service workers.

They’re also hell-bent on pushing through concessions around technological change, discipline, leave provisions, and the Work Force Adjustment policy that will hurt workers.

But the real tipping point was the government’s insulting wage offer averaging 1.75% per year over a four-year agreement from 2021-2025 that’s entirely out of touch with record-high inflation.

If the government expects PSAC members who have been getting Canadians through the pandemic to shoulder the costs of Canada’s recovery, they’re in for a rude awakening.

You deserve a fair and decent contract, and we’ll be counting on your support over the weeks and months ahead to fight for the issues that impact you.

Taking strike action is always a last resort, but if we need to go on strike to get the contract you deserve, that’s exactly what we’ll do. We need to be prepared, get mobilized, stay engaged, and be ready to take action.

In solidarity,

Chris Aylward
PSAC National President

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

PSAC kicks off Pride season with launch of Gender Inclusive Language Toolkit

Using inclusive language helps people feel valued and welcomed within our union, the labour movement, and our communities. By using gender inclusive language, we’re not only showing that we value inclusion, but we’re also promoting gender equity for all.

We’re proud to launch PSAC’s Gender Inclusive Language Toolkit on May 17, the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, and at the beginning of Pride season, in which we celebrate the activism, advocacy and resilience of LGBTQ2+ communities.

This toolkit is designed to help members, elected leaders and staff interact in a way that respects and celebrates our unique and diverse gender identities

According to the 2020 Public Service Employee Survey results, 21 per cent of gender diverse respondents indicated that they were victims of harassment on the job, compared to 10 per cent of men and 11 per cent of women. This demonstrates that the workplace is still not a safe place for trans, two-spirit and non-binary employees.

People should feel safe and supported regardless of their gender identity. This toolkit outlines the small but tangible steps we can all take to be more inclusive because respecting pronouns and gender identity is for everyone.

The toolkit arises from the “Gender Inclusive Terms” resolution adopted at the 2018 PSAC National Triennial Convention. Resolution GEN 18/100 called on PSAC to “find and implement alternative, more inclusive terms” and to “educate the membership on the importance of inclusivity in greetings.”

You can also download and print a brief one-pager to post on the union bulletin board in your workplace or share as a handout at events. This companion piece gives readers an overview of the topic and encourages them to learn more with the full toolkit.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

Bear Witness Day: Take action to support First Nations children, youth and families

On May 10, we recognize Bear Witness Day to raise awareness for Jordan’s Principle — a child-first principle and legal rule named in memory of Jordan River Anderson that ensures First Nations children receive the same standard of social, health and educational services as the rest of the Canadian population.

This year, we were encouraged to see the 2022 federal budget include a section dedicated to Jordan’s Principle and propose $4 billion over six years to ensure First Nations children continue to receive the support they need. This is a significant improvement over the 2021 budget, where there was only a passing mention of Jordan’s Principle and vague commitments to First Nations children.

But promises are easily made and just as easily broken.

We will continue to keep a close eye on this important issue and expect the government to follow through on their commitment. We are all responsible for protecting and defending the rights of Indigenous peoples, especially children.

Show your support and “Bear Witness”

PSAC is proud to be one of the first unions in Canada to recognize this day annually. We encourage all PSAC members to take part in actions in support of reconciliation and equity.

One way to do that is to support the ongoing work of the First Nations Child & Family
Caring Society by sending a letter to your MP calling on them to endorse the Spirit Bear Plan to end the injustices experienced by First Nations children and families living on reserve and in the territories.

PSAC also encourages everyone to learn more about Jordan’s Principle by watching the documentary Jordan River Anderson, The Messenger by acclaimed Indigenous director Alanis Obomsawin. The film tells the story of how the life of Jordan River Anderson initiated a battle for the right of First Nations and Inuit children to receive the services they need, when they need them.

Visit the First Nations Child & Family Caring Society’s website for other ideas on how to support and honour Bear Witness Day through education, awareness, and action.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.