Author Archives: Pierre St-Jacques

Thousands of Canada Border Service Agency employees vote to strike

More than 8,500 unionized staff with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) have given their union an overwhelming strike mandate, throwing into question the federal government’s plans for a smooth reopening of the Canada-U.S. border this summer as a federal election looms. CBSA employees could potentially begin strike action as soon as August 6, 2021.

The employees — members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and the Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) — have been without a contract for over three years. They are seeking better protections against a toxic workplace culture at CBSA, and greater parity with other law enforcement agencies across Canada. The union declared impasse and applied for a Public Interest Commission ruling after CBSA and Treasury Board were unwilling to address these concerns.

“Our members at CBSA have been on the front lines throughout the pandemic, and many have contracted COVID-19 while working,” said Chris Aylward, PSAC national president. “They’ve kept our borders safe, screened travelers entering Canada, and ensured the rapid clearance of vaccine shipments. Now it’s time for the government to step up for them the way they’ve stepped up for Canadians.”

Risk of significant economic disruption

A labour dispute while borders begin to reopen could cause a significant disruption to the flow of goods, services and people entering Canada, and impact the Canadian economy by:

  • Slowing down commercial traffic at the border and ports of entry;
  • Impacting international mail and parcel deliveries from Canada Post and other major shipping companies;
  • Impact the collection of duties and taxes on goods entering Canada.

“Taking strike action is always a last resort, but we’re grappling with systemic workplace harassment issues that must be addressed,” said Mark Weber, CIU national president. “The toxic workplace culture at CBSA is taking a heavy toll on the mental health and well-being of our members.”

The federal government recently reached a tentative agreement with RCMP members that closed wage gaps and provided more supports for its members, showing a clear willingness to negotiate from the government. CBSA employees deserve the same level of respect at the bargaining table.

“We’ve told the government numerous times that we’re ready to return to the table to negotiate a fair contract that addresses our members’ concerns,” added Aylward. “But their window to avert a strike is quickly closing.”

PSAC-CIU members at CBSA include border service officers at airports, land entry points, marine ports, and commercial ports of entry, inland enforcement officers, intelligence officers, investigators, trade officers, hearings officers and non-uniformed members. The strike vote was held between June 16 and July 23.

This article has also been posted on the PSAC website.

UPDATED — Employment Opportunity: Labour Relations Officer (Permanent position)

Photo of CIU flag

The Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) is seeking to hire a full-time bilingual Labour Relations Officer (Band 11) with extensive experience to be staffed on a full-time indeterminate basis.

Applications will be received until close of business on August 13, 2021 (5:00 p.m. EDT). Please see the full posting here (PDF) for more information about the position, the associated duties and requirements, and on how to apply.

Updated 2021-07-22.

Final chance to submit your FB strike vote!


PSAC has already held 20 virtual strike info sessions and four strike preparation webinars, and we’ve received great feedback from FB members. In order to ensure all members have the opportunity to vote, we’re hosting one final strike vote information session.

The national virtual session will be held this Thursday, July 22 and will be bilingual with simultaneous interpretation. All members are encouraged to join this meeting regardless of the location of their CIU branch.

Register now for Thursday, July 22 at 6:00 p.m. Eastern.

You must attend a mandatory information session (10-15 minutes) for your vote to be counted. If you’ve already participated in an information session, but haven’t voted, you have until Friday, July 23 at 12:00 p.m. EDT to submit your vote. Voting will be closed after this time and results will be announced the following week.

Under regulation 15 of the PSAC Constitution, every member must attend a mandatory information session (normally about 10-15 mins) to be eligible to vote. This is so we can ensure that everyone has the information they need to make an informed decision and give you an opportunity to ask questions. After attending one of these sessions, you will gain access to information on how to vote. You must have your attendance recorded at one of the 10-15 minute presentation portions or your vote will not be counted.

Any questions you may have about strike votes or strike action can be answered at the virtual vote information sessions that will take place before you vote. However, to provide you with as much information as possible ahead of time, we have compiled key questions and answers for you.

This article has also been posted on the PSAC website.

19th National Convention — Last Day

2021 CIU Convention Banner

On the last day of the 19th Convention, delegates voted on Convention Resolutions, and elected the new CIU National Executive, Human Rights Representative, Young Workers Representative, and Alternates:

  • National President Mark Weber (elected)
  • 1st National Vice-President Rick Savage (elected)
  • 2nd National Vice-President Ken Turner (elected)
  • 3rd National Vice-President Claude Bouchard (acclaimed)
  • 4th National Vice-President Michael Aessie (elected)
  • National Human Rights Representative Murray Star (acclaimed)
  • Alternate National Human Rights Representative Sophie Martin (elected)
  • National Young Workers Representative Yanniv Waknine (acclaimed)
  • Alternate National Young Workers Representative Sandra Richard (acclaimed)

Larry Rousseau overseeing the elections of the new CIU National Executive and National Representatives & Alternates.

Outgoing National President Jean-Pierre Fortin chairing the last day of the 19th National Convention.

Swearing in of new the nine new representatives

Jean-Pierre Fortin swearing in the new national representatives. From left to right, top: Ken Turner, Michael Aessie, Sandra Richard. Left to right, middle: Murray Star, Richard Savage, Yanniv Waknine. Left to right, bottom: Sophie Martin, Mark Weber, Claude Bouchard.

19th National Convention — Second Day

2021 CIU Convention Banner

The second day of the 19th National Convention was busy as always. In particular, delegates voted to adopt the budget for the next two years (the pandemic having had an impact on the duration of the next mandate). Nominations & Elections Chair (and CLC Executive Vice-President) Larry Rousseau — pictured below — also briefed Convention delegates on the procedure to follow for the elections taking place on on Day 3. 

CIU National President Jean-Pierre Fortin looks on as CLC Executive Vice-President (and Nominations & Elections Chair) Larry Rousseau briefs the Convention delegates on election procedure