Tag Archives: bargaining

Bargaining Updates: EB, TC, SV & PA Proposals


Collective bargaining with Treasury Board resumed this week and PSAC put forward its proposals for the Education and Library Science (EB), Program and Administrative Services (PA), Operational Services (SV), and Technical Services (TC) groups, along as its common proposals for all Treasury Board groups, which cover about 90,000 workers in the federal public service.

For more information, please see the following pages:

PSAC and Treasury Board to Return to the Bargaining Table


On June 20 and 21, PSAC bargaining teams from four federal public service bargaining groups will meet with Treasury Board negotiators to continue initial talks. The teams – PA (Program and Administrative Services), TC (Technical Services), SV (Operational Services), and EB (Education and Library Science) – are negotiating new collective agreements covering 90,000 federal government employees. After suffering for over two years with Phoenix, we expect the government to come to the table ready to deliver an agreement that recognizes the commitment of our members and the value of their work.

The parties will exchange proposals on common issues shared by all tables. We anticipate that we will be able to provide an update, including all bargaining proposals, on our website by Friday, June 22.

Stay up to date: Sign up for email updates.

A version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.

PA, TC, EB & SV Groups: PSAC Exchanges Bargaining Proposals With Treasury Board


Collective bargaining has officially begun for 90,000 PSAC members. This week, PSAC bargaining teams met with Treasury Board officials. Both the union and the employer exchanged their bargaining proposals and clarified initial questions.

Federal public service workers in the Program and Administrative Services (PA), Technical Services (TC), Education and Library Science (EB) and Operational Services (SV) bargaining units are seeking new collective agreements in this round of bargaining.

Their current contracts will expire within the next four months.

This is the first of three negotiation meetings scheduled throughout the summer to discuss group-specific proposals and common issues affecting all employees.

The next scheduled meetings are to take place from June 20 to 21 and July 10 to 12.

For more than two years our members have endured countless hardships because of the Phoenix pay system fiasco, but they continued to show up to work every day and deliver the critical services Canadians depend on. We expect the Liberal government to come to the table with a deal that reflects that level of commitment and the value of their work.

A version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.

FB Bargaining: Tentative Agreement Details for FB-04s and FB-05s

Picture of the FB Bargaining Team with the words "tentative agreement reached!"

There have been a number of questions concerning what was achieved for FB-04s and FB-05s (including Intelligence Officers, Investigations Officers and Hearings Officers) in our recent settlement.

While the agreement itself will be available once fully translated, in terms of wage increases the following applies to FB-04s and -05s:

  • 1.25% each year from 2014 to 2017;
  • An additional $2,500 step to the maximum levels;
  • A further 2.3% market adjustment applicable to all steps and levels;
  • The roll-into salary of the harmonized Integrated Border Service Allowance ($1,750) into salary for all FB-04s and -05s;
  • Over the life of the agreement FB4 job rate will jump from the current $76,263 to $86,408 and FB5 will increase from the current $83,542 to $94,233. In both cases the overall increase to pensionable maximum salary will be well over ten thousand dollars.

These increases greatly exceed what was provided to personnel at other federal law agencies – including both  RCMP Constables and Corrections Officers – for the same time period. What’s more, as part of the 2009 conversion a number of jobs in both FB-04 and FB-05 received greater increases than FB-03s.

Our bargaining team is recommending ratification of the agreement. All members will have a vote and, as the voting process rolls out there will be ample opportunity for members to ask questions to bargaining team members and union representatives.

FB Bargaining: Tentative Agreement Reached – Unanimous Recommendation by Bargaining Team

Picture of the FB Bargaining Team with the words "tentative agreement reached!"

Today, our FB Bargaining Team reached a Tentative Agreement with the Treasury Board and CBSA for salary increases that greatly exceed those provided to all other federal law enforcement agencies for 2014-2018.

This significant victory came after four years of talks, two court challenges, a charter challenge, several unfair labour practice charges, the mobilization of thousands of members, two media campaigns and over a full week of non-stop negotiations.

The FB Bargaining Team unanimously recommends the ratification of this new agreement.

A full explanation of the new agreement, and a copy of the new language, will be provided over the coming weeks once it has been fully translated.

Highlights Of Our Tentative Agreement:

Duration of Agreement

The agreement is a four-year collective agreement with an expiration date of June 21, 2018.

Wage Settlement Details

  • For FB-03s our agreement provides for an overall pensionable increase of 17.5% to the job rate over 4 years.
  • By June 2017, FB-03 job rate is over $82,400.
    • Effective June 21, 2014 – Increase to rates of pay: 1.25%
    • Effective June 21, 2015 – Increase to rates of pay: 1.25%
    • Effective June 21, 2016 – Restructure (harmonize FB-03 pay scale to match top 4 steps of CX-02 pay scale)
    • Effective June 21, 2016 – Restructure (additional $2500 step to the maximum of FB-04 to FB-07 scales)
    • Effective June 21, 2016 – 2.3% market adjustment for all groups and levels
    • Effective June 21, 2016 – Non-Uniformed Officers Integrated Border Services Allowance from $1250 to $1750
    • Effective June 21, 2016 – Restructure (Roll-in of harmonized Integrated Border Services Allowance for Uniformed and Non-Uniformed Officers)
    • Effective June 21, 2016 – increase to rates of pay: 1.25%
    • Effective June 21, 2017 – increase to rates of pay: 1.25%
  • All increases are retroactive.

These increases in salary greatly exceed increases provided to all other federal law enforcement agencies for 2014-2018.


  • New protections ensuring Union representation in administrative and investigative meetings – this includes Professional Standards Investigations and Security Review Investigations.
  • New protections (consistent with RCMP) against employees being placed on investigatory leave without pay.
  • We also have a written commitment from Treasury Board that our union is to receive an official invite to consult on the Legal Indemnification Policy, consistent with the consultation that was conducted with the RCMP.

Other Items

  • New language that provides protections in the context on ‘H’ing.
  • Cash-out of compensatory time no longer at employer discretion.
  • New seniority rights for scheduling of part-time employees.
  • Requests for compressed work weeks can no longer be unreasonably denied.
  • New dog handler allowance consistent with what has been agreed to for other federal law enforcement personnel.
  • Increase of the overtime meal allowance from $10 to $12

Sick Leave

  • Our sick leave remains unchanged.
  • Any future enhancements to the regime would need to be negotiated and agreed to by both parties.

Other Notable Leave Improvements

  • Volunteer Day to be replaced with another Personal Day.
  • Expansion of the definition of family for whom an employee can access family-related responsibilities leave (FRRL) and the removal of the 7.5 hour cap on the use of FRRL for a number of situations.
  • The new Bereavement Leave Article includes an expansion of the definition of family and for the period of bereavement to be split into two installments. Leave for Personal Reason can now be taken in separate blocks

Workforce Adjustment Appendix

  • What we achieved represents the most significant improvements in workforce adjustment since it was first signed as an appendix into PSAC collective agreements in 1998.
  • Changes will reduce involuntary layoffs by allowing volunteers to come forward to leave the public service during times of workforce adjustment.
  • Employees will now have up to fifteen months to find an alternation match.
  • More union involvement, ensuring employees have the right to union representation during the process.
  • Improvements to the monetary provisions, including the education allowance and transition support measures.

These are only the highlights. More information will be forthcoming once we have all documentation translated.

There are no concessions in our new tentative agreement. That includes our rights provided for under Article 41 – Leave without pay for the care of family.

Again, our team unanimously recommends ratification of our new contract.

FB Bargaining Team / Équipe de négos FB

The FB Bargaining Team, from left to right: Chris Aylward (PSAC National Executive Vice-President), Morgan Gay (PSAC National Negotiator), Lauren Baert (BSO, Sarnia, ON), Charles Khoury (Senior Program Officer, HQ), Brea Lewis (BSO, Willow Creek, SK), Richard Sutcliffe (Inland Enforcement, Toronto, ON), Diane Lacombe (BSO, Trudeau Airport, Montreal), David-Alexandre Leblanc (PSAC Senior Research Officer), Joey Dunphy (BSO, Edmundston, NB), Dave VanHelvert (BSO, Fort Erie, ON), Jean-Pierre Fortin (CIU National President, BSO, Clarenceville, QC) (Absent – Brett Evans, BSO, Halifax Marine, NS).