Tag Archives: EB

FAQ Regarding TC, SV, EB & PA Tentative Agreements and Retro Pay

TC, SV, B, PA Groups: Ratification Information

Questions about the various tentative agreements for the TC, SV, EB and PA Groups? Click on the following links to get answers to frequently asked questions, or see below for a general FAQ on retro pay.

TC Group tentative agreement FAQ
SV Group tentative agreement FAQ
EB Group tentative agreement FAQ
PA Group tentative agreement FAQ

FAQ on Retroactive Pay for TC, SV, EB and PA Groups

When will the deal come into effect?

If a majority of members vote “yes” in the ratification vote, PSAC will meet with the employer to sign your new collective agreement. With the exception of wages, which are retroactive, the new negotiated provisions come into effect on date of signing, unless otherwise specified.

Who will get back pay (retroactive pay) for the negotiated economic increases?

  • PA: The new collective agreement is retroactive to June 21, 2014, expiring June 20, 2018. This means that you are entitled to back pay for the period of time you were employed and a PA member from June 21, 2014.
  • EB: The new collective agreement is retroactive to July 1st, 2014, expiring June 30, 2018. This means that you are entitled to back pay for the period of time you were employed and a EB member from July 1st, 2014.
  • TC: The new collective agreement is retroactive to June 22, 2014, expiring June 21, 2018. This means that you are entitled to back pay for the period of time you were employed and a TC member from June 22, 2014.
  • SV: The new collective agreement is retroactive to August 5, 2014, expiring August 4, 2018. This means that you are entitled to back pay for the period of time you were employed and an SV member from August 5, 2014.

When can I expect the employer to pay the retroactive pay?

The employer has 150 days from the date of signing to implement the provisions of the new collective agreement, including adjusting rates of pay and issuing retroactive pay.

Are increases to allowances retroactive?

Increases to allowances are not retroactive. The employer has 150 days after the date of signing to implement the changes and issue payment of the allowances.

Parts of this article was originally published on the PSAC website.

Update on Ratification Meetings for the TC, PA, SV and EB Bargaining Units

TC, SV, B, PA Groups: Ratification Information

PSAC’s tentative agreements with Treasury Board covering the TC, SV, PA and EB bargaining units will only take effect if they are ratified in a vote by the members. These tentative agreements cover workers from coast to coast to coast.

Hundreds of ratification meetings, which include information sessions, will take place across the country up until April 13. Over 73,000 PSAC members are currently eligible to vote. We encourage participation in this important exercise of union democracy.

When and where to vote

Important information about the dates and locations of ratification meetings is available through the PSAC regional offices and their websites, which will be updated regularly:

Who can vote

Every member in good standing who is covered by these agreements has a right to vote in the ratification process. If you are eligible to become a member of PSAC, but have not previously signed a membership card, you will be provided with an opportunity to sign one at the ratification vote meeting and will then be able to vote.

Ratification kits

More information

Please see the FAQ about the ratification process posted on the PSAC website.

Part of this article was originally published on the PSAC website.

Information on Ratification Votes for TC, PA, SV and EB Groups

TC, SV, B, PA Groups: Ratification Information

As announced previously, tentative agreements have been reached by the PSAC bargaining teams with Treasury Board for the TC, SV, PA and EB groups. These agreements will only take effect if they are ratified in a vote by the members. Ratification meetings that include information sessions will take place across the country from February 20 to April 13.

Every member covered by these agreements has a right to vote in the ratification process. Further information regarding the ratification process is available on the PSAC website, including the various ratification kits:

Specific information regarding ratification meetings and where to vote is available through the various PSAC regional offices and their websites. You should also review the FAQ about the ratification process posted on the PSAC website.

What about the FB Group?

Unfortunately, due to the refusal of Treasury Board and CBSA to address FB Group priorities, no tentative agreement has been reached and the bargaining process for the FB Group is now at an impasse. As a result, the PSAC has filed for a Public Interest Commission (PIC). For more information on the next steps regarding FB Group bargaining, please see this post.

Part of this article was originally published on the PSAC website.

EB Bargaining Team Reaches Tentative Agreement with Treasury Board


(Article updated Jan. 26)

PSAC and Treasury Board have reached a tentative agreement for the Education and Library Science (EB) Group, which covers more than 900 federal public service workers. The deal includes significant breakthroughs on “common issues,” such as sick leave and workforce adjustment, the details of which were hammered out by the common issues committee last December. The EB team was also able to achieve market adjustments for every classification in the bargaining unit.

“This is yet another victory in what has been a very challenging set of negotiations with Treasury Board,” said PSAC National President Robyn Benson. “It is through the hard work and commitment of the members of our EB bargaining team, along with the steadfast support and solidarity from the bargaining unit members, that we were able to reach this agreement.”

Common issues need to be implemented at all tables

The issues agreed to in December between the employer and the common issues committee, composed of members from all five Treasury Board tables, need to be accepted by each specific table. EB is the second table to formally accept the work of the common issues committee, which covers sick leave and the workforce adjustment appendix.

Sick leave

  • The sick leave articles of our collective agreements will remain unchanged.
  • The parties have negotiated a Memorandum of Agreement to establish a Task Force to develop recommendations on measures to improve employee wellness and reintegration of employees.
  • Any future enhancements to the regime would need to be negotiated and agreed to by both parties.
  • PSAC’s four principles are included in the MOA: sick leave provisions will be contained in the collective agreement, provide for wage replacement, protect and grandfather sick leave banks, and will not be administered by a third-party provider. Any enhanced sick leave regime shall contain, at minimum, these four principles.

Workforce adjustment appendix

  • What we achieved represents the most significant improvements in workforce adjustment since it was first signed as an appendix into PSAC collective agreements in 1998.
  • Changes will reduce involuntary layoffs by allowing volunteers to come forward to leave the public service during times of workforce adjustment.
  • Employees will now have up to fifteen months to find an alternation match.
  • More union involvement, ensuring employees have the right to union representation during the process.
  • Limits to contracting out.
  • Improvements to the monetary provisions, including the education allowance and transition support measures.

Monetary gains

The agreement with the EB table contains significant improvements to monetary compensation for members. This includes a wage increase and a wage adjustment for all groups. The total compensation for all EB members amounts to a minimum increase of five-and-a-half per cent over the four years of the collective agreement, plus a $650 signing bonus. The wage increase is 1.25 per cent for each year, plus a 0.5 to four-per-cent market adjustments for 2016.

An appendix that provides a framework for working towards a national rate of pay for the ED-EST 12 month teachers has been added to the collective agreement. An allowance for EB members who work in Correctional Services Canada and more support for First Nations teachers have also been achieved.

Helping workers meet family demands

A committee will be established to look at childcare needs. Better family leave, including provisions that are more respectful and inclusive of Indigenous cultures, have also been negotiated.

Other notable gains

This agreement has language recognizing gender identity and gender expression as prohibited grounds of discrimination.

The Memorandum of Understanding that established the Task Force on Mental Health in the workplace is also contained in this agreement. The mandate of the task force includes identifying ways to reduce and eliminate the stigma associated with mental health issues, improving communication on mental health challenges in the workplace, and implementing the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace. The parties came to an agreement on the MOU earlier in the bargaining process, in 2015, and the task force has been hard at work ever since.

Download: Summary of Tentative Agreement reached for the EB Group on January 21, 2017 [Bilingual PDF]

A version of this article was originally published on the PSAC website