Tag Archives: tb

PSAC Files Complaint Against Treasury Board/CBSA Over Delay to Salary Adjustments and Retroactive Pay

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PSAC is taking action in response to Treasury Board/Canada Border Services Agency’s (CBSA) failure to meet the implementation deadline for the latest FB collective agreement. This will affect over 8,300 PSAC members working at CBSA locations across the country.

PSAC today filed a complaint on behalf of CBSA workers under the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Act (FPSLRA). Members should have seen the implementation of their newest contract by November 30, but CBSA workers are still waiting despite having signed the agreement in July.

PSAC is disappointed over the government’s inability to meet reasonable implementation deadlines for its workers at the CBSA, especially considering the union generously doubled the timeframe, from 75 days to 150 days. This has been a reoccurring problem, as the government has struggled to meet its implementation deadlines for several other collective agreements such as CFIA, Parks Canada and the PA, SV, TC and EB groups, due to Phoenix issues.

PSAC will ask the Board to order the employer to pay damages to CBSA workers, and to take all necessary steps to immediately comply with the FPSLRA and implement the terms of the collective agreement.

Once the employer has responded to the complaint a hearing date will be set. PSAC will continue to keep its members informed about any further developments.

A version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.

Treasury Board Bargaining to Resume in October


PSAC will return to the bargaining table with Treasury Board on Oct. 10 to 11 to negotiate issues common to the Program and Administrative Services group (PA), Operational Services group (SV), Technical Services group (TC), and the Education and Library Science group (EB). Negotiations on issues specific to each table will resume from Oct. 16 to 17.

At the last round of negotiations in July, PSAC came to the table with clear proposals and a strong mandate to move forward. Unfortunately, the employer did not show that same level of commitment, and instead was unprepared to make any real progress.

When we sit down to bargain in October, we’ll be focused on important issues like:

  • ensuring salaries keep up with inflation, and that wage gaps are closed;
  • improving work-life balance like extending the parental leave top-up from 37 weeks to the full 63 weeks now available;
  • addressing workload and reducing the use of temp agencies and precarious contract work.

After two years and a half years of hardships under Phoenix, our members continue to show up to work every day and deliver the services Canadians depend on. The least this government can do is negotiate a collective agreement that recognizes that commitment and the importance of the services they provide to Canadians.

It’s outrageous that PSAC members are still waiting to get paid correctly – they shouldn’t also have to wait to get the working conditions they deserve.

A version of this article was posted on the PSAC website.

2018 PA, SV, TC & EB Bargaining – Program of Demands & Input Call


The collective agreements for the Program Administration (PA), Operational (SV), Technical (TC), and Education/Library Science (EB) bargaining units will expire between June and August 2018, and PSAC anticipates serving notice to bargain in early Summer of 2018 for each of them. In preparation for bargaining for the units mentioned above, PSAC will hold a National Bargaining Conference. which will take place from March 26 to 29, 2018, in Ottawa.

An input call for bargaining demands for PA, SV, TC, and EB Bargaining Units has also been issued. For more information on the Bargaining Conference and on how to submit Bargaining Demands, please carefully review the documents below:

  • CIU National Office Memorandum on the input call and on National Bargaining Conference recruitment for PA, SV,TC, and EB Bargaining Units
    [Download PDF]
  • PSAC’s Program Of Demands and Input Call For Treasury Board Bargaining Units (PA, SV, TC, EB)
    [Download PDF]
  • Proposal Form for Collective Bargaining
    [Download Word Document]