Tag Archives: CIP

PA Group – Public Interest Commission: PSAC continues pushing for fair deal

Member with PSAC Flag

The Public Interest Commission (PIC) hearings for the Program and Administrative Services (PA) and common issues tables wrapped up this weekend. The hearings are the first of eight scheduled in the next few months for nearly 140,000 PSAC members who are still without a new collective agreement.

At the hearing, PSAC representatives put forward our demands for a fair contract that delivers reasonable wage increases and the working conditions that make balancing family and work possible.

Now that PSAC and the employer have provided their respective submissions, we can expect to see a report with the commission’s recommendations for a settlement early in the new year. But we won’t wait for this report to secure an agreement. Between now and then we’ll continue to negotiate and mobilize for the fair contract PSAC members deserve.

We’re going to continue pushing for a deal that provides fair wage increases that cover the rising cost of living, improvements to work-life balance, and equitable compensation for the Phoenix pay disaster.

Once the PIC report is issued, the PA group, which includes 71,000 members, will be in a position to take a strike vote if we still haven’t reached an agreement with Treasury Board on our outstanding issues.

We’ll continue to provide updates over the coming days and weeks, including a detailed analysis of the union and the employer’s submissions at the hearing.

The next PIC hearing – for the Education & Library Sciences (EB) group – takes place December 9-12 in Ottawa.

Read the submissions to the Public Interest Commission:

The original version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.

Public Interest Commission (PIC) dates for PSAC government units


The Labour Board has announced Public Interest Commission (PIC) hearing dates for PSAC’s bargaining units representing federal government workers. See the following page for more information on the PIC, and for a list of hearing dates for each unit as well as the number of members affected. Note that the FB unit is still in talks, and is not at the PIC stage.

PIC Report and FB Bargaining Team Statement

FB Bargaining: PIC Update

On Thursday, March 15, we received the Public Interest Commission (PIC) recommendation concerning our contract dispute with Treasury Board/CBSA. The PIC recommendation is non-binding. It is intended to guide the parties in negotiations and help provide an avenue for the parties to make progress towards an agreement but neither party is obligated to follow the recommendations of the decision.

Continue reading

Update Regarding PIC Recommendation: Delay Granted

FB Bargaining: PIC Update

The Union’s nominee on the Public Interest Commission (PIC) panel has been in contact with our PSAC Negotiator. Our nominee informed our Negotiator that, given the number of matters in dispute between the union and the employer, more time is needed for the panel to complete a recommendation.

Our Negotiator agreed to an extension for the PIC to do its work.  As soon as we have a recommendation from the PIC we’ll be sure to provide an update.

FB Bargaining: Submissions to the Public Interest Commission

photo of barg team for pic update

With the Public Interest Commision (PIC) mediation attempt having failed in October, our FB bargaining team proceeded to hearing on November 2, 6 and 23 at the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Employment Board (FPSLREB). Over the course of these three days our bargaining team made our case for compensation parity with other law enforcement agencies across Canada, including other federal agencies under the Ministry of Public Safety. We also made the case – repeatedly – that there are serious problems at the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and that in light of these, we seek new rights for employees particularly as they pertain to discipline, hours of work and arming. CBSA management is not to be trusted. We need new protections.

Click here for PSAC’s written submissions to the Public Interest Commission for the FB group (PDF document).

A version of this article was first published on the PSAC website.