Tag Archives: FB

Members Rally in Thunder Bay

Picture of a demo in Thunder Bay stating "We keep Canada's borders safe. We deserve to be treated fairly"

Our Sisters and Brothers from Thunder Bay and Pigeon River, in Ontario, picketed the CBSA office in Thunder Bay on Monday February 12, putting pressure on the employer to treat FB members fairly – as law enforcement officers.

These men and women protect Canadians every day. CBSA praises its members as law enforcement when it suits them in the media, while failing to address the need for parity with other law enforcement agencies at the bargaining table. That has to change – FB members deserve real respect.

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FB Bargaining: Keeping the Pressure On!

CIU Flag / Drapeau du SDI

Fellow CIU members, as National President of CIU, and as a Border Services Officer with over 18 years experience on the front line, I want to thank those CIU members over the last several months who have taken action at their ports, offices and outside their MPs’ offices in support of our fight for a fair contract. Officers from Edmunston, New Brunswick to Douglas, British Columbia and many points in between have participated in demonstrations and rallies in support of our fight.

We have reached a critical stage in our negotiations with CBSA and Treasury Board. It has been a long and frustrating process. We spent two and a half years (CIU and PSAC) before the courts and the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Employment Board defending our collective bargaining rights as we challenged the previous government’s Bill C-4 and Bill C-59.

With other PSAC bargaining units we fought against attacks on our sick leave. We won that fight.

We are awaiting the Public Interest Commission’s recommendation. I want to commend the work of our Bargaining Team in representing us before the Commission. A copy of the brief submitted to the Commission is available on the CIU and PSAC websites.

As we await this recommendation CIU branches across the country have been taking action. MPs’ offices have been lobbied. Rallies have been held outside CBSA ports. The PSAC and CIU have erected billboards in several key locations across the country to inform the public of our fight for parity with the broader law enforcement community.

Fellow FBs, there is a very real chance that we will be taking the next step in the legal process after we receive the PIC recommendation – a strike vote, followed potentially by a strike if we do not reach a fair agreement. Because of our court challenges against the government, we will then have the legal right to engage in a number of worksite activities and pressure tactics that we have been restricted from doing up until now.

Now is the time for us to stand united and show CBSA and Treasury Board our solidarity. We can win this fight, but to do so we must stand together. The victories that we have won in the past – from the arming of officers to VSSAs to a 19.5% wage increase for officers in our first FB contract – all happened because we acted in solidarity.

If you have questions or concerns, or if you have ideas about how we can further pressure elected officials or our employer in this struggle, please speak with your Branch President. Please be sure to monitor the CIU and PSAC websites for regular updates.

In solidarity,

Jean-Pierre Fortin
CIU National President

Non-Uniformed FB Members Rally in Ottawa

Picture of a demo in Ottawa stating "We keep Canada's borders safe. We deserve to be treated fairly"

Non-uniformed FB members from CIU Headquarters Branch 70066 rallied today in front of Vanier Towers in Ottawa, reminding Canadians of the importance of the work they perform as part of CBSA’s law enforcement operations.

Every day, they strengthen front-line activities and help protect our communities, and they deserve to be treated fairly by the government.


Members Hold Rally in Halifax

Picture of a demo in Halifax stating "We keep Canada's borders safe. We deserve to be treated fairly"

Members of the CIU Nova Scotia Branch rallied in Halifax early this morning, bringing attention once more to the importance of the work performed by the front-line men and women who keep our country’s borders safe, and deserve fair treatment.

“Our members act as Canada’s first line of defense,” said CIU 3rd National VP Joey Dunphy. “Every day, Border Services personnel stop drugs and weapons from entering the country. They apprehend criminals, and they help protect our communities. In short, they perform the same work as other law enforcement personnel, and it is high time that they be recognized as such.”

After 3.5 years of bargaining, the employer is still pushing for concessions that devalues the work members of the FB Group perform on behalf of all Canadians, and continues to refuse to provide parity with other law enforcement agencies.

In the news:



Strong Start to 2018 – Members Rally in Windsor

Picture of a demo in Windsor stating "We keep Canada's borders safe. We deserve to be treated fairly"

A new year means more rallies: CIU & PSAC members kicked things off for 2018 by demonstrating in Windsor (CIU local 00018) today. With a large number of members in attendance, this rally is the latest in a series of demonstrations supporting the FB bargaining team, reminding Canadians that FB members protect Canada’s borders, and sending a clear message to the employer : It is time to treat FB members with respect. These men and women put themselves in harm’s way, they are law enforcement, and they deserve a fair contract.

CIU and PSAC members from different locals were present, including CIU National President Jean-Pierre Fortin and 1st National VP Mark Weber. Thank you to Windsor & District Labour Council, UNIFOR 444, Iron Workers 700, IBEW 773, WUFA, Ontario Teachers Federation, CUPW, CUPE and LIUNA 625 for their solidarity and support. MPP Taras Natyshack, MPP Lisa Gretsky, and MP Brian Masse were also present.

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