Tag Archives: FB

What’s Going On With FB Bargaining?

FB Bargaining

Our PSAC/CIU bargaining team for the FB group broke off talks in February after spending three days in mediation with the employer and making no progress on our key priorities. Also CBSA continued to push concessions.

Consequently, our Team proceeded to the next step in the process provided for under the law – filing for a Public Interest Commission (PIC). Get more information on the PIC process here.

Once the PSAC filed for a PIC with the Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board (PSLREB), the Treasury Board responded by indicating that a PIC was premature and that more mediation was required.

Our response was clear: after over two years of talks – including a week and a half session in December and three full days of mediation in February – the parties were indeed at impasse and that it is time to move to the next stage in the process. What’s more, the Treasury Board and CBSA provided no indication that the employer is prepared to address the issues that our Team raised in bargaining with respect to compensation, pension and hours of work (among others matters). Our position was that there should be no further delay.

Next step is being set in motion

The PSLREB contacted the union on April 5, 2017 to notify us that the PIC is going forward, and that the next step in setting up a PIC is being set in motion (the appointment of the parties’ nominees). We are now awaiting news from the PSLREB concerning the next step in the process – the naming of the Chair of the PIC.

Unfortunately, there are no timelines prescribed in the legislation in terms of getting the PIC set up and for the selection of a date for the hearing.  It is up to the PSLREB.

In the meantime, CIU leadership is consulting with Branch Presidents across the country, along with representatives from our bargaining team, to discuss next steps beyond filing for a PIC – including potential mobilization activities to get the Treasury Board and CBSA to finally address our issues concerning parity with other law enforcement agencies.  For more information, speak with your CIU Branch President.

Our union and our bargaining team remain committed to achieving a fair contract for CIU/PSAC members in the FB bargaining unit. We’ll be sure to provide updates as things progress.

Download the PDF version of this update (bilingual document).

Bargaining Has Reached An Impasse: PSAC Files for a Public Interest Commission

Bargaining impasse

The PSAC/CIU Bargaining Team for the FB group spent three days in mediation with Treasury Board and CBSA during the week of January 30. Given the refusal of Treasury Board and CBSA to address FB group priorities, the Bargaining Team has declared impasse.

As part of our ongoing campaign for respect for the border services group, PSAC filed for a Public Interest Commission (PIC) for the Border Services group on February 8, 2017. The group’s critical public safety duties deserve the same recognition given to other law enforcement officers.

Next Step

Under federal law, the PIC is the next step in the collective bargaining process when the parties reach impasse. Over the coming weeks CIU and PSAC will be consulting with branches across the country to prepare next steps in our efforts to get Treasury Board and the CBSA to finally address the issues our FB bargaining team have raised in negotiations.

We’ll be sure to provide updates as things progress. Please see the page What If Talks Break Down for more information on the PIC. For more information on FB bargaining, speak with your CIU Branch President, or sign-up for PSAC email updates.

Parts of this article were originally published on the PSAC website.

Talks Break Off With CBSA/Treasury Board

FB Bargaining

We enforce the law. It’s time we were treated accordingly.

Our PSAC/CIU bargaining team for the FB group spent three days in mediation with Treasury Board and CBSA this past week. We made no progress on our key priorities for this round of bargaining. We enforce the law. It’s time we were treated accordingly.


Our position reflects wage parity with the RCMP. Management has rejected this proposal and instead tabled the PA wage settlement. This is unacceptable to us as it does not address our wage disparity with the broader law enforcement community.

Retirement Reform

We are seeking a commitment from Treasury Board that the government introduce a retirement regime consistent with other federal law enforcement agencies. Treasury Board has refused to do so. This is unacceptable.

New Protections

We must have new protections against CBSA management in this round – in the context of discipline (PSI and SRI), legal indemnification and against abuse of authority. Management has not addressed our concerns.

Hours of Work

Our team is seeking a paid meal period in line with other law enforcement agencies, as well as protections against management’s unilateral cancelation of compressed work weeks and telework arrangements. CBSA and Treasury Board have done nothing to address these issues. We deserve better.

CBSA Seeking Concessions

Management is seeking serious concessions, from watering down our VSSA protections to making Care and Nurturing leave subject to operational requirements and increasing its duration to a minimum of 12 weeks, to eliminating protections in the context of firearm certification that we have in our current agreement. These concessions are unacceptable.

Given the refusal of Treasury Board and CBSA to address our priorities, we have declared impasse and will be proceeding to the next steps in the process – filing for a Public Interest Commission (PIC). Get more information on the PIC process at http://psacunion.ca/what-happens-if-we-do-not-reach-agreement.

The leadership of the union and representatives from our bargaining team will be meeting in the coming weeks to discuss next steps beyond filing for a PIC.  We’ll be sure to provide updates as things progress.

Download the PDF version of this update (bilingual document).

PSAC Calls for Fair Treatment of Border Services Officers

FB Fair treatment ad: "we've got your back and we need a federal government that's got ours..."

The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) is launching radio ads today to raise awareness about the important work done by Border Services Officers, Inland Enforcement Officers and other front-line law enforcement personnel at Canada Border Services Agency.

“Every day, Border Services Officers and other front-line officers at CBSA are putting themselves in harm’s way to keep our communities safe,” said Robyn Benson, PSAC National President. “They deserve the same fair treatment as other law enforcement officers.”

The Border Services (FB) group returns to the bargaining table with Treasury Board the week of January 30. The bargaining team is seeking improvements to compensation and working conditions, bringing them more on par with that of other law enforcement officers.

These improvements include a retirement regime consistent with other peace officers, more paid time for firearm practice, and enhanced protections for front-line officers in the context of firearm recertification and control defence tactics training.

“This is about fairness and safety,” said Jean-Pierre Fortin, National President of the Customs and Immigration Union – a component of PSAC. “These workers deserve a federal government that has their back.”

The ads can be heard on radio stations across Canada, as well as online at https://youtu.be/bqWEU1-XoX0

A version of this article was originally published on the PSAC website

Treasury Board Bargaining Resumes in January

Bargaining mediation

Four bargaining teams will be back at the table with Treasury Board, with the assistance of a mediator, to continue negotiations for new collective agreements.

  • The Education and Library Science (EB) and the Technical Services (TC) groups will return to negotiations the week of January 16, 2017.
  • The Operational Services (SV) and the Border Services (FB) groups will return to the bargaining table the week of January 30, 2017.

Tentative agreement reached for PA table

On December 14, 2016, the Program and Administrative Services (PA) table reached a tentative agreement, covering over 68,000 federal public service workers. The deal includes significant breakthroughs on “common issues,” such as sick leave and workforce adjustment.

A version of this article was originally published on the PSAC website