Tag Archives: négos

FB Bargaining Team Makes Its Case Before the PIC

FB Bargaining: PIC Update

As per the Public Service Labour Relations Act, our FB bargaining team filed for conciliation earlier this year when it became clear that the employer was not prepared to seriously address our issues, including parity with other federal enforcement agencies. With the Public Interest Commision (PIC) mediation attempt having failed in October, we proceeded to hearing on November 2 and 6 at the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Employment Board (FPSLREB).

Over the course of these two days, our bargaining team made our case for compensation parity with other law enforcement agencies across Canada, including other federal agencies under the Ministry of Public Safety.  We also made the case – repeatedly – that there are serious problems at the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and that in light of these, we seek new rights for employees particularly as they pertain to discipline, hours of work and arming. CBSA management is not to be trusted. We need new protections.

On the afternoon of November 6, the employer began presenting Treasury Board/CBSA’s case. The employer responded to our wage position by stating that it is inappropriate to compare members of the FB bargaining unit – including Inland Enforcement, Investigations, Intelligence and Border Services Officers – with other large law enforcement organizations such as municipal, provincial and federal police forces. The employer also indicated that there are no recruitment or retention issues at CBSA.

We do not agree. From CBSA YouTube recruitment videos to skeleton staffing at ports of entry to officers being asked to handout recruitment flyers to the public at certain ports, clearly there are recruitment and retention problems at CBSA. As for comparator groups, our position is that a majority of PSAC/CIU members at CBSA are armed law enforcement personnel with police powers, and that compensation needs to reflect this reality.

A final hearing date is scheduled for November 23. We wish to thank the officers from the Ottawa area who came and joined our team at the recent hearings. We’ll be sure to provide updates as things progress. If you have any questions, please contact a member of our bargaining team, or go to psacunion.ca/employer/fb-group.

A version of this article was first published on the PSAC website.

FB Mediation Talks Break Down

FB Bargaining

Our PSAC/CIU bargaining team for the FB group filed for a Public Interest Commission (PIC) earlier this year when we reached impasse in negotiations with Treasury Board/CBSA.

At the end of May the Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board (PSLREB) appointed a Chair of the PIC. Subsequently the Chair set dates for the PIC process – October 17th and 18th, November 2nd, 6th and 23rd.

Once the dates were set our bargaining team and the Treasury Board agreed, with the support of the Chair, to use the first two dates (October 17th and 18th) to engage in mediation in order to make progress on the issues outstanding. It is common during PIC or arbitration processes for there to be mediation at the outset.

Unfortunately we made no progress in mediation, with Treasury Board and the CBSA demonstrating no movement on the issues raised by our team in bargaining, including critical matters related to wages, hours of work, discipline, leave and protections for our jobs.

As a result, mediation talks have broken down and our team is now preparing to go to hearing at the Labour Board in two weeks.

Our union and our bargaining team remain committed to achieving a fair contract for PSAC/CIU members in the FB bargaining unit, one that addresses the issues we’ve raised with respect to achieving parity with other law enforcement agencies.

We’ll be sure to provide updates as things progress. If you have questions be sure to follow up with your CIU Branch President.

A version of this article was published on the PSAC website. You can also download the PDF version (bilingual document).

Working for a Fair Contract for Border Services Members

FB Bargaining

While Parliament is in recess over the summer, members of CIU’s National Board of Directors across the country are taking lobbying training and bringing our message to Members of Parliament. We’re talking to MPs about what it means to work for the Canada Border Services Agency and the importance of achieving a contract that provides parity with other law enforcement agencies.

Across Canada, we’re calling on MPs to contact Treasury Board President Scott Brison in support of our demand for an early retirement regime, one that reflects what is already in place for other law enforcement personnel in the federal public service.

There are many MPs we need to meet. While some meetings have already taken place, it’s not too late for CIU members to participate by volunteering to meet with their MP. Contact your Branch President who can provide you with helpful notes and information. Members can also get involved in Branch activities taking place over the summer to remind the employer that we want an agreement that meets our needs.

Progress is being made on an Essential Services Agreement

Talks concerning an essential services’ agreement (ESA) with Treasury Board are ongoing and progress has been made. Our hope is that an agreement will be reached in the very near future.

Because the essential services agreement determines which services can and cannot be withdrawn in the event of a job action, resolving the ESA with Treasury Board is critical step in the bargaining process that must be completed before a strike vote can be called and job action undertaken. We’ll provide an update as talks continue.

We’re preparing for the Public Interest Commission

Work is underway to prepare the extensive presentation and submission that our union will make before the Public Interest Commission (PIC). The first hearing dates are October 17 and 18.

A version of this article was also published on the PSAC website.

2018 PA, SV, TC & EB Bargaining – Program of Demands & Input Call


The collective agreements for the Program Administration (PA), Operational (SV), Technical (TC), and Education/Library Science (EB) bargaining units will expire between June and August 2018, and PSAC anticipates serving notice to bargain in early Summer of 2018 for each of them. In preparation for bargaining for the units mentioned above, PSAC will hold a National Bargaining Conference. which will take place from March 26 to 29, 2018, in Ottawa.

An input call for bargaining demands for PA, SV, TC, and EB Bargaining Units has also been issued. For more information on the Bargaining Conference and on how to submit Bargaining Demands, please carefully review the documents below:

  • CIU National Office Memorandum on the input call and on National Bargaining Conference recruitment for PA, SV,TC, and EB Bargaining Units
    [Download PDF]
  • PSAC’s Program Of Demands and Input Call For Treasury Board Bargaining Units (PA, SV, TC, EB)
    [Download PDF]
  • Proposal Form for Collective Bargaining
    [Download Word Document]