18th CIU National Convention – Sept. 29 to Oct. 1st, 2017

We are fast approaching our 18th National Convention. The National Convention, which is the supreme governing body of our Union, is held once every three years and provides an opportunity for all CIU members to become involved in the operation and future of their Union.

As the supreme governing body of the Union, the National Convention provides a forum for delegates, elected by their peers and on a per capita basis according to District Branch membership, to represent their Sisters and Brothers in making decisions that govern both the administration and the policies of this Union for the ensuing three-year period.

The National Convention is also the forum where the Union’s National Executive is elected for its three-year term. The CIU By-Laws (By-Law 8, Section 17) provide an opportunity for all members to submit resolutions, within the prescribed format, dealing with all aspects of the Union.

The Convention Call applies to all Union members in good standing and should be considered as an invitation to participate in the future of this Union.

Also available is the Convention Resolution Form. It should be noted that Convention Resolutions pertaining to collective bargaining must refer only to the procedure of bargaining and not actual bargaining demands. Bargaining demands are sought through a different forum and are referred, through the Component Collective Bargaining Committee, to the Public Service Alliance of Canada. Bargaining demands will not be dealt with at the CIU National Convention.

We look forward to your participation and input and expect to greet some of you in September 2017. Any questions or clarification regarding the foregoing should be directed through your Branch Executive.