PA bargaining team puts forward proposals for a healthy workplace

The PA bargaining team met with Treasury Board from January 13-15 to put forward a number of proposals to advance PSAC’s vision for a healthy workplace.

Child care

PSAC is calling on the government to provide better support for its employees with young children. Affordable and accessible child careremains a pressing concern for many working families.

Our child care demand proposes the development of solutions to workplace child care, such as reversing the policy shift towards charging rent to child care centres in federal government buildings, as well as identifying other accessible community options and making these solutions available to workers.

Mental health

We tabled language to protect the psychological health of employees. The proposal calls for the adoption of the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace.

The union proposal highlights the need for union and management to work together to identify psychologically harmful practices in the workplace, and implement measures that support and promote good mental health.

Health and safety

Our proposal addresses the changes made by Bill C-4 that removed or weakened significant sections of the Canada Labour Code, including the definition of danger, the right to refuse dangerous work, and the right to investigations and inspections.

We reserved on the right to make proposals on Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) and environmental sensitivities.

Grievances and union leave

In an effort to expedite the adjudication process, our bargaining team put forward several important amendments to the grievance procedure. We also proposed changes to the Leave for Alliance Business article, including removing the language on operational requirements.  In addition, we proposed that certain types of union leave be with pay, which would be reimbursed by PSAC to Treasury Board.

Other issues

Our team tabled new language on classification reform, emphasizing the importance of developing updated classification standards during the life of the new agreement.

We’re back at the table the week of March 23, 2015. Please stay tuned for further developments and visit