19th National Convention — Last Day

On the last day of the 19th Convention, delegates voted on Convention Resolutions, and elected the new CIU National Executive, Human Rights Representative, Young Workers Representative, and Alternates:

  • National President Mark Weber (elected)
  • 1st National Vice-President Rick Savage (elected)
  • 2nd National Vice-President Ken Turner (elected)
  • 3rd National Vice-President Claude Bouchard (acclaimed)
  • 4th National Vice-President Michael Aessie (elected)
  • National Human Rights Representative Murray Star (acclaimed)
  • Alternate National Human Rights Representative Sophie Martin (elected)
  • National Young Workers Representative Yanniv Waknine (acclaimed)
  • Alternate National Young Workers Representative Sandra Richard (acclaimed)
Larry Rousseau overseeing the elections of the new CIU National Executive and National Representatives & Alternates.
Outgoing National President Jean-Pierre Fortin chairing the last day of the 19th National Convention.
Swearing in of new the nine new representatives
Jean-Pierre Fortin swearing in the new national representatives. From left to right, top: Ken Turner, Michael Aessie, Sandra Richard. Left to right, middle: Murray Star, Richard Savage, Yanniv Waknine. Left to right, bottom: Sophie Martin, Mark Weber, Claude Bouchard.