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Employment Opportunity: Digital Communications Specialist (indeterminate position)

The Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) is seeking to hire a bilingual Digital Communications Specialist to be staffed on a full-time indeterminate basis. Applications will...

Celebrating Black History Month 2024: Honouring Black labour leaders

February is a time to celebrate, reflect upon, and honour the significant contributions of Canadians of Black, Caribbean or African descent. This year, PSAC...

CIU National President tours Manitoba Branch

Last week, CIU National President Mark Weber toured the Manitoba Branch, meeting with members from all over the province. Accompanied by FB Bargaining Team...
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Border Services in Saint John to shift to weekday, daytime only...

OTTAWA, January 18, 2024 — The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) recently announced that it would only staff border services operations in Saint John,...

Happy Holiday Season!

On behalf of the CIU National Office, I wish you and yours a safe and joyous Holiday Season and hope the New Year will...

Never Again: Canada’s unions mark December 6 with call to end...

Canada’s unions are marking the 34th anniversary of the attack at École Polytechnique in Montreal by urging the federal government to take concrete steps...

FB bargaining: Public Interest Commission dates set, mobilization escalates

The FB group will be heading to Public Interest Commission (PIC) hearings with the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board April 10...
Photo of CIU flag

CIU National Executive tours Laval Immigration Holding Centre

On Tuesday, November 21, the CIU National Executive was in Laval, Quebec, to tour the local CBSA Immigration Holding Centre (IHC), following an invitation...

Safety for Trans and Non-binary People

On November 20, we recognize Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day to honour the many trans and non-binary lives lost to hate. It is...

PSAC Anti-Racism Action Plan: National townhalls

National telephone townhalls for PSAC’s Anti-Racism Action Plan have been launched for Indigenous and racialized members. These national townhalls are the last part of...