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Treasury Board strike, day 8: Mounting pressure at the border

What a day! Newsworthy picket lines took place in both Fort Erie and Windsor. Striking PSAC members delayed four ships by picketing the lift...

Treasury Board strike day 7: A week of enduring solidarity

As we near the end of the first week of strike at Treasury Board, striking PSAC members continue to report en masse to picket...

PSAC responds to Minister Fortier’s open letter to members

It's clear the Liberal government is feeling the pressure as we escalate our strike actions across the country. But we've been clear – the...

Treasury Board strike, day 6: Members are back on the picket...

Lots of energy, determination, and smiles were present on the picket lines as striking PSAC members returned for day 6 of the Treasury Board...

Treasury Board strike, day 6: Members are back on the picket...

Lots of energy, determination, and smiles were present on the picket lines as striking PSAC members returned for day 6 of the Treasury Board...

TB & CRA bargaining update: Statement from PSAC National President

PSAC National President Chris Aylward delivered the following message to members of the Treasury Board and CRA bargaining teams Friends, You may have seen the headlines...

FB bargaining: Negotiations postponed in solidarity with striking workers

While we were scheduled to return to the table this week, April 25-27, our FB bargaining team notified the employer we won’t be meeting,...

Treasury Board bargaining update

This afternoon, PSAC’s National President, Chris Aylward, National Executive Vice President Sharon DeSousa and Regional Executive Vice President — NCR, Alex Silas gave a...

TB strike videos [updated]

Here are a few clips of the ongoing Treasury Board strike. [

Treasury Board strike, day 3: Strike efforts continue across the country

Treasury Board strike, day 3: Be it in the sunshine or the snow, members have continued to show they are determined to get a...