TC group: no progress on key demands following mediation
Following a week of mediation, the federal government continues to refuse to budge on its wage offer that would deliver a pay cut to...
Telework at CBSA: Responding to the Agency’s hybrid work model
Dear members,
Over the past few weeks, the implementation of the new hybrid work model by CBSA has once again demonstrated the Agency’s inability to...
TB Bargaining: Public Interest Commission dates set
The Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board has scheduled Public Interest Commission (PIC) hearings for the EB, PA, SV, and TC groups.
Government announces historic anti-scab legislation
The federal government’s move this week to ban the use of replacement workers is an historic moment for labour in Canada. PSAC has long...
PA group: No movement on wages, key issues after mediation
Following a week of mediation, the federal government is refusing to budge on its wage offer that would effectively deliver a pay cut to...
TB bargaining: Ramp up the pressure by taking strike training
While PSAC attends mediation with Treasury Board and prepares to make our case at the Public Interest Commission hearings this fall, we’re escalating our...
FB bargaining: Telework and contracting out top of mind for team
The FB bargaining team raised several priority issues for discussion — including telework, job protections, and being assigned to work hours in another location — when...
Border Services: CIU National President urges federal government to address ‘severe...
On Tuesday September 27, 2022, the National President of the Customs and Immigration Union, Mark Weber, addressed the House of Commons Standing Committee on International...
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation: An opportunity for healing and...
The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is a day of hope and healing for those impacted by the horrors of the residential school...
Common issues: Facing record inflation, government’s latest wage offer still sets...
After two weeks of mediation at the Common Issues table, the federal government put forward a revised wage offer on the last day of...