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Moment of truth: Will Trudeau live up to his commitment to...

After more than ten months of bargaining defined by delays, insulting offers and frustratingly slow progress towards a fair contract, PSAC’s bargaining teams are giving the government one last...
Image of candle to symbolize mourning, for the April 28 Day of Mourning

National Day of Mourning

April 28 is the National Day of Mourning. On that day, we will once again remember those who lost their lives due to work-related...
Fix Phoenix Pay System Logo

Get reimbursed for Phoenix-related tax issues

As the tax filing deadline quickly approaches, we know that Phoenix has made tax season extra stressful for many public service workers. PSAC has...

1996: Joint Police & Peace Officers Memorial Service

Our fourth historical vignette highlights an important step in border officers being recognized as part of the law enforcement community.  As a founding member of...

2006: Arming Initiative

The third entry in our series celebrating our union milestones takes a look at a major turning point for border officers. The arming of officers...

Treasury Board bargaining: April talks will be Trudeau’s last chance to...

PSAC bargaining teams representing 90,000 members under Treasury Board only saw small movement from the government at talks last week despite a rapidly closing...
Banner with the words Young Workers

March 2019 Young Workers Conference Call

If you are 35 years old or younger and want to get involved with your union, you are invited to participate in the next...

Treasury Board bargaining: Trudeau’s window to deliver on commitment to public...

The clock is ticking for the Trudeau Liberals as PSAC’s four bargaining teams representing 90,000 workers covered by Treasury Board resume negotiations with the...

2000: Body Armour

Every two weeks, we're releasing a short vignette showcasing a victory or an event of importance in the history of our union. Here is...

FB Bargaining: Definition of years of service will remain the same

A majority of PSAC-Customs and Immigration Union (PSAC-CIU) members voted to keep the existing definition of years of service in the collective agreement. As...