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FB Bargaining: PIC Update

CBSA Continues to Push for Concessions: Union Says No

This week, our PSAC/CIU bargaining team for the FB group will participate in the final hearing date of the Public Interest Commission (PIC) process...
FB Bargaining: PIC Update

FB Bargaining Team Makes Its Case Before the PIC

As per the Public Service Labour Relations Act, our FB bargaining team filed for conciliation earlier this year when it became clear that the...

Victory! PSAC Member Awarded Damages in Age Discrimination Case

In a recent adjudication decision, Diane Legros, a PSAC member who worked for Canada Border Services Agency, was awarded $25,000 in damages because her employer...
Fix Phoenix Pay System Logo

Phoenix: New Training Must Be Accessible to All Employees

After almost two years after launching the disastrous Phoenix pay system, the government has finally rolled out basic training for all employees. “This is the...

PSAC to File Complaint – Treasury Board Will Not Meet PA,...

PSAC is taking swift action in response to Treasury Board’s admission that it will not be meeting the implementation deadline for the PA, SV,...
Picture of CIU Life Members with National President at the 2017 National Convention

Life Members Attend CIU 18th National Convention

CIU is honoured to have had in attendance at the 2017 National Convention several Life Members, pictured here with the National President. From left...
FB Bargaining

Discipline: Our Members Need and Deserve Better Protection

CIU and PSAC have prepared a series of flyers on major FB bargaining issues, explaining what we are fighting for. This week, the issue...
FB Bargaining

FB Mediation Talks Break Down

Our PSAC/CIU bargaining team for the FB group filed for a Public Interest Commission (PIC) earlier this year when we reached impasse in negotiations with Treasury...
Border Security Icon

Government Must Address Staffing Issues to Smooth Refugee Process

PSAC is calling on the federal government to address organizational and workload issues resulting from the influx of asylum seekers from the United States....
FB Bargaining

’25 & Out’ Retirement – It Makes Sense

CIU and PSAC have prepared a series of flyers on major FB bargaining issues, explaining what we are fighting for. This week, the issue...