Last Day of Convention Recap
On the last day of the 18th Convention, delegates voted on Convention Resolutions, and elected the 2017-2020 CIU National Executive, Human Rights Representative, Young...
Day 2 of Convention 2017 Recap
The second day of the 18th National Convention was a busy one, with the adoption of the reports of the four National Vice-Presidents, as...
CIU and PSAC Rally for a Fair Contract for FB Members
On September 29, delegates and attendees participating in the 2017 National Convention rallied in front of CBSA offices in downtown Ottawa regarding the ongoing bargaining...
Day 1 of Convention 2017 Recap
September 29 was the first day of the CIU's 18th National Convention. Throughout the day, Convention attendees heard speeches from guest speakers, including Robyn...
One Day Before National Convention
CIU's 18th National Convention starts tomorrow in Ottawa, ON!
During the Convention, follow us and interact on social media – our offical hashtag is #ciusdi2017:
Facebook: @ciu.sdi
FB Group: CIU and PSAC Are Fighting For All Members
CIU and PSAC have prepared a series of flyers on major FB bargaining issues, explaining what we are fighting for. This week, the issues...
Keeping Canadians Safe By Protecting Our Jobs
CIU and PSAC have prepared a series of flyers on major FB bargaining issues, explaining what we are fighting for. This week, the issue...
Treasury Board Changes Compensatory Leave Cash Out
This year, employees must request the cash out.
Treasury Board has issued an information bulletin to departments regarding the automatic cash out of compensatory leave....
Phoenix: PSAC Negotiates New Measures to Attract and Retain Compensation Advisors
PSAC has negotiated a Memorandum of Understanding with Treasury Board to address recruitment and retention of compensation advisors. The aim is to ensure the...
Synthetic Opioids: Safety Procedures and Policies
There have been few threats over the years that have impacted our members as greatly as the fentanyl crisis. As Canada’s first line of...