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PA Bargaining

PA Bargaining: Little Movement from the Employer

The PA bargaining team returned to the bargaining table from November 1-9, 2016, only to find the employer’s mandate was largely unchanged. Some Gains: Our...

Treasury Board Bargaining: PSAC Requests Mediation

Contract negotiations have been ongoing for 10 days. While some progress has been achieved, there are still important issues of fairness and improving public...

Treasury Board Bargaining Resumes November 1

The five bargaining teams will be back at the table with Treasury Board between November 1 and November 7 to resume negotiations for new collective...
Make Good On Your Word Campaign Banner

PSAC Calls On Justin Trudeau to Make Good On His Word

The Public Service Alliance of Canada is launching a series of radio and print ads today, appealing directly to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to...

Harper Conservatives’ desperate appeal to public service workers before election

This morning, Pierre Poilièvre and other Conservative candidates in Ottawa made an announcement directed towards federal public service workers. The press conference, along with an...
Fix Phoenix Pay System Logo

PSAC National President Continues to Work Toward Fair and Complete Phoenix...

For months, we’ve been hearing from many of our members about the difficulties they’ve faced as a result of ongoing problems with the federal...

Treasury Board Bargaining: Liberal Government Still Using Conservative Agenda at Bargaining...

When PSAC returned to the bargaining table with Treasury Board on Tuesday, we expected to hear the Liberal agenda. Instead, this government continued to...
PA Bargaining

PA Bargaining: No Movement from the Employer

The PA bargaining team has done everything possible to try and negotiate an agreement with Treasury Board. But the employer came to the bargaining...
FB Bargaining

FB Bargaining Update: Wages and Hours of Work Dominate Discussions

Our FB Bargaining Team spent this past week in negotiations with Treasury Board/CBSA. Wages: In bargaining we re-iterated our position with respect to compensation. CBSA...

Court dates scheduled for sick leave injunction

PSAC’s request to the courts to stop the government from implementing its new sick leave plan will go before the court in October. After consulting...