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Meeting Between CBSA and CIU Presidents

On August 16, CIU National President Jean-Pierre Fortin met with CBSA President Linda Lizotte-MacPherson and Vice-President, HR, Jean-Stéphen Piché. It was a productive meeting and many...

PSAC seeks court order to protect sick leave in Treasury Board...

PSAC has asked for a court order to stop the government from going ahead with their plans to remove sick leave provisions from collective agreements...
Fix Phoenix Pay System Logo

Phoenix Issue: Minister Foote finally agrees to meet with PSAC

Yesterday, the PSAC sent National President Jean-Pierre Fortin the following link regarding the Phoenix system:  Minister Foote finally agrees to meet PSAC after repeated requests By...
Jean-Pierre Fortin and Mark Weber with members from Hamilton Branch

Remote Processing of Travellers: National VP and 1st VP meet with...

On August 8, 2016, CIU Hamilton Branch members met with National President Jean-Pierre Fortin and 1st National Vice-President Mark Weber, who were seeking to...
Fix Phoenix Pay System Logo

Phoenix system privacy breach unacceptable, must be addressed immediately by the...

Officials at Public Services Procurement Canada were aware that the Phoenix pay system might cause privacy breaches as early as January 2016, according to...

Vote to stop the cuts

Canada’s border security jobs are being cut. This makes all Canadians vulnerable. Harper’s Conservatives are cutting public services across the country, without regard for...
PA Bargaining

PA Bargaining: “Optimism Quickly Fades”

Following the announcement that the Liberal government is repealing sections of the anti-union Bill C-4, enacted by the Harper Conservatives, our PA Bargaining Team...
FB Bargaining

FB Team Spends 7 Days in Contract Talks  

Starting Friday June 17, our FB Bargaining Team spent 7 days in negotiations with our employer. Here's a summary of issues that were discussed during that...

Take Part in the June 8 National Day of Action!

With major issues still on the bargaining table and seemingly little interest from the Employer in reaching a fair agreement, the five PSAC bargaining teams...
PA Bargaining

PA Bargaining: “PA Bargaining Team Tackles Many Fronts”

Child care: In negotiations this week with Treasury Board, our PA bargaining team called for the employer to join PSAC in a national joint committee...