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Simply Unacceptable

How else to describe the federal government’s intention to undermine our collective bargaining rights? Sister Robyn Benson provides additional information in the attached letter and...

FB Group Calls for Pension Commitment in Bargaining

“Twenty-five and out” plan raised at bargaining table and in Pension Advisory Committee. Employees in the FB bargaining unit are law enforcement personnel. We are...
CIU National Board of Directors and Observers stand in Solidarity with all Bargaining Teams on this day of action – March 19!!!

CIU National Board of Directors and Observers stand in Solidarity with...

CIU National Board of Directors and Observers stand in Solidarity with all Bargaining Teams on this day of action – March 19!!!<

PSAC young workers craft vision for the future

Eight young workers from across the country participated in PSAC’s first National Young Worker Committee meeting in Ottawa on January 10 and 11, 2015....

CIU National President Jean-Pierre Fortin offers support to MPPAC President Rae...

On February 6, 2015, CIU National President Jean-Pierre Fortin met with Rae Banwarie, President of the Mounted Police Professional Association of Canada (MPPAC). Brother...

CIU National President meets with Vancouver Branch members

On February 6, 2015, the CIU Vancouver Branch held its Annual General Meeting. National President Jean-Pierre Fortin was pleased to join over eighty members...

La section locale 19 du SDI organise une collecte d’aliments à...

On Friday December 19th, members of the PSAC Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) Local 19 conducted a quick food drive in support of the...

PA bargaining team puts forward proposals for a healthy workplace

The PA bargaining team met with Treasury Board from January 13-15 to put forward a number of proposals to advance PSAC’s vision for a...

FB team raises health and safety issues in bargaining

This past week (January 12 through 15) our FB bargaining team met with Treasury Board/CBSA representatives to continue talks for a new collective agreement. ...

Photos of the 2014 CIU National Convention

Photos taken during the CIU National convention can be viewed by clicking on the following link : 2014 CIU National Convention - Congrès national du SDI...