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Continued job action by Foreign Service officers and implications for CIU...

The Professional Association of Foreign Service Officers (PAFSO) thought it was important to provide an update on recent developments about their members and inform...

FAQ & PSLRB notice on the forced vote process

On June 7, 2013 the Minister of Heritage, James Moore, ordered that a vote on the employer’s final offer be imposed on the FB...

FB bargaining team and CIU leadership call on co-workers to vote...

On Wednesday June 5ththe Public Interest Commission released its recommendation concerning our negotiations with CBSA/Treasury Board. Early the morning of Friday the 7ththe FB...

Statement from FB Bargaining Team Concerning PIC Recommendation

On Wednesday (June 5th) we received the Public Interest Commission (PIC) recommendation concerning our contract dispute with Treasury Board/CBSA. The PIC recommendation is non-binding....

We Deserve Much Better

Last week CBSA and Treasury Board attempted to bypass the collective bargaining process by dropping off an offer via envelope at the PSAC office...

Message to PSAC/CIU Members at CBSA Regarding Employer Offer

Our FB bargaining team will be meeting Treasury Board/CBSA’s bargaining team in Ottawa on Monday. We will be sure to update as things...

FB Bargaining Team to meet with Employer to discuss proposed offer

Despite the fact that we have not yet received a recommendation from the Public Interest Commission, Treasury Board on Monday took the unusual step...

FB Bargaining Update on PIC recommendations

As per the Public Service Labour Relations Act, our Bargaining Team presented our case before the Public Interest Commission (PIC) in December. Given the number...

Union to Take CBSA Back Before the Labour Board

CBSA reneges in Essential Services talks – again. For several years – going back to 2007 – the Union has been engaged in talks with...

Officer shooting in British Columbia – Update from the National President

CIU National President Jean-Pierre Fortin, accompanied by BC Southern Branch President Dan Sullivan, has returned to Ottawa following a trip to British Columbia yesterday...