CIU officers from across Canada gear up for next contract fight

Officers from every CIU branch across the country met in Ottawa last week at the PSAC National Bargaining Conference to prepare for the coming round of negotiations.

At the conference FB delegates discussed workplace issues and the need for us to continue our on-going fight to achieve respect and the working conditions that we deserve from CBSA and the Harper government.

Also, a larger National Bargaining Team was elected for this round of bargaining, and both CIU National President JP Fortin and PSAC National President Robyn Benson pledged to dedicate all resources necessary to make gains and to defend our hard-fought collective agreement rights in the coming round of bargaining, including our sick leave provisions.

Agreement to be signed March 17

PSAC representatives spoke again with Treasury Board last week concerning the signing of our agreement and expressed frustration at the delay. Our union proposed dates for the signing in late February and early March. The Treasury Board responded with confirming March 17th as the date for the parties to sign our agreement, pending the presentation of the parties’ agreement to cabinet. We are therefore scheduled to meet March 17th for signing.

In the meantime, we’ve been in contact with CBSA to ensure that the calculation for retroactivity cheques is underway. CBSA has confirmed that this is the case. Members’ severance for the purposes of voluntary termination continues to accrue until the final signing of the contract.