CIU would like to congratulate members elected to various regional positions during the most recent PSAC Regional Triennial Conventions. We’re proud to see significant union involvement from coast to coast!
- Joey Dunphy (CIU 60004)
Elected to the position of Director for Aboriginal Members, Atlantic Region - Michelle MacKinnon (CIU 80002)
Elected to the position of 1st Alternate Director for Aboriginal Members, Atlantic Region - Lauren Baert (CIU 00019)
Elected to the position of Alternate Regional VP, Ontario Region - Leslie Searl (CIU 00024)
Elected to the position of Regional Council Member, Region 5 (GTA), Ontario Region - Glenn Hollyoake (CIU 40031)
Elected to the position of 2nd Alternate Young Workers Rep, Prairies Region - Leanne Hughes (CIU 20042)
Elected to the position of National Officers Coordinator, BC Region - Carolyn McGillivray (CIU 20045)
Elected to the position of Southern Interior Coordinator, BC Region - Astrid Stoker (CIU 20042)
Elected to the position of South Vancouver Island Alternate Coordinator, BC Region - Karen Sutton (CIU 20045)
Elected to the positions of Southern Interior Alternate Coordinator and Aboriginal Alternate Coordinator, BC Region