FB Day of Action October 10th

We deserve a fair contract. Now.

Over the last several months we have been subjected to ultimatums, attempts to circumvent the bargaining process, final offers and even a forced vote that was found to be non-compliant with federal labour law. In the meantime, Treasury Board meets with employees of other federal law enforcement agencies and agrees to settlements that address issues and provide for superior compensation. It then tried to keep one
of those settlements secret from us.

Enough is enough. We are not second-class public servants.

The PSAC and CIU are calling for a day of action at locations across the country on Thursday, October 10th.

We want CBSA/Treasury Board to return to the bargaining table and agree to a fair contract. They have negotiated in good faith and reached fair agreements with other Public Safety workers such as Parole Officers and Corrections Workers. We deserve nothing less.

Stay tuned… Activities and locations will be announced soon. In the meantime, if you have any questions please contact your Shop Steward or Branch President.