Interim Memorandum of Agreement Concerning Arming and MMPI Extended

On Friday, August 29, legal counsel for CIU-PSAC signed an agreement with Treasury Board to extend the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) concerning CBSA’s arming “Questions and Answers” document posted on Atlas.

The MOA, which upholds our collective agreement and provides protections for members in the context of arming training and MMPI testing, was initially signed on August 1 and will now remain in effect until a formal hearing takes place at the Public Service Labour Relations Board in December.

In addition to extending the contents of the August 1 MOA, the new agreement includes a written commitment on the part of CBSA to modify the current Atlas posting to indicate that the Questions and Answers are “under review”, and to advise line managers of the content of the MOA.

All CIU-PSAC members in the FB bargaining unit are strongly encouraged to read the MOA.  If you have any questions concerning your rights under the MOA, the FB collective agreement or the Canadian Human Rights Act, or if you believe CBSA management to be in violation of the MOA, our contract or federal law, please speak with your local union representative or Branch President. We must continue to stand together in solidarity in upholding our rights at CBSA.

In the meantime, CIU and PSAC are proceeding with the policy grievance that was filed in the spring concerning CBSA’s arming communications. We will be sure to update as things progress.