Trafficking of illegal firearms: CIU National President highlights important gaps, calls...
On Tuesday, February 1, 2022, the National President of the Customs and Immigration Union, Mark Weber, testified in front of the House of Commons...
PSAC-CIU raise border automation concerns with government
In its budget yesterday, the Trudeau government made reference to “modernizing travel and trade at our borders”, and spoke of “transforming the border experience”...
Stopping the flow of illegal firearms at the border: Letter to...
CIU National President Jean-Pierre Fortin sent the following letter to the Hon. Bill Blair, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, on May 12,...
An update from the National President: OIC-11 and discussion with Minister...
On Wednesday afternoon (April 22, 2020), Jean-Pierre Fortin, CIU National President, had a comprehensive conversation with Minister Blair regarding the impact of the recent...
Reduction of Hours of Operation at Ports of Entry: Customs and...
Press Release – Ottawa, November 12, 2018 – The National President of the Customs and Immigration Union which represents 10,000 members, most of whom...
Government Must Address Staffing Issues to Smooth Refugee Process
PSAC is calling on the federal government to address organizational and workload issues resulting from the influx of asylum seekers from the United States....
CIU Expresses Concerns on CBSA Reducing Hours of Operation at Ports...
Press Release – Ottawa, August 4, 2017 – The National President of the Customs and Immigration Union which represents 10,000 members, most of whom...
Bill C-23: CIU Appears Before the Standing Committee on Public Safety...
On May 17, 2017, Brother Jean-Pierre Fortin, the CIU National President, appeared before the House of Commons’ Standing Committee on Public Safety and National...
Business Sector to Government: Increase CBSA Resources
On May 19, 2017, representatives from organizations across the business sector signed a joint letter, titled Investments in Our Borders, calling upon the federal government...
Influx of Migrants: CIU Calls for More Officers, Creation of Border...
In order to help Border Services Officers (BSOs) deal with the considerable influx of migrants crossing into Canada, the National President of the Customs...