Icone discussion PSAC-AFPC

PSAC renews push for early retirement for border services officers and...

PSAC has renewed its fight for fair retirement benefits for both Border Services (FB) members and firefighters (FR) from the Union of National Defence Employees that would provide parity with other firefighters and the broader law enforcement community. PSAC successfully negotiated an agreement with Treasury Board to push...

REMINDER: FB bargaining conference: Members of equity groups, women and young...

PSAC-CIU members who self-identify in one of the groups listed below are encouraged to apply to attend the FB National Bargaining Conference before the...

UPDATED: Bargaining demands Input Call for Border Services (FB) — Deadline...

The Public Service Alliance of Canada will soon be approaching the employer to begin negotiations for the renewal of the collective agreement. During the last...
Image conversation PSAC AFPC

Common Issues bargaining: All workers deserve fair wages

The cost of living is rising quickly across Canada, and PSAC members — and workers across the country — risk being left behind if...
Image conversation PSAC AFPC

PA, EB, SV & Common issues: Bargaining updates

PA bargaining: Treasury Board brings remote work concessions to the table Treasury Board started negotiations off on the wrong foot with Program and Administrative Services (PA) this round by putting problematic...
CIU flag with the word bargaining

National Bargaining Conference – PA, SV, TC and EB bargaining units

The National Bargaining Conference for the PA, SV, TC and EB bargaining units will take place from April 26 to 30, 2021. The event...
PSAC banner illustrating a conversation

PA, EB, SV, & TC groups bargaining survey: You can shape...

The pandemic has radically changed the way many PSAC members work. We have experienced the challenges of working remotely from home; the impact of...