Transgender Day of Remembrance: A reminder that we can all be...
November 20 is a day to honour and memorialize transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-trans violence, and an opportunity to...
COVID-19 vaccination audits: FAQ
In the fall of 2021, CBSA employees were asked to complete a vaccine attestation, confirming that they had been vaccinated against COVID-19. The requirement...
Anti-racism action plan: Membership consultation
Dear members,
You may have received an email from Environics Research ( inviting you to participate in the membership consultation process commissioned by the Public...
SV bargaining: No movement from government on key issues in mediation
After a week of mediation, Treasury Board made no effort to find common ground in bargaining with our more than 10,000 SV group members,...
ArriveCAN: Border officers were never consulted, says CIU National President to...
On Thursday October 20, 2022, the National President of the Customs and Immigration Union, Mark Weber, addressed the House of Commons Standing Committee on Government...
Changes to the FB bargaining team
Since it was formed earlier this year, our FB bargaining team has seen some changes to its membership. The bargaining team is now comprised...
TC group: no progress on key demands following mediation
Following a week of mediation, the federal government continues to refuse to budge on its wage offer that would deliver a pay cut to...
Telework at CBSA: Responding to the Agency’s hybrid work model
Dear members,
Over the past few weeks, the implementation of the new hybrid work model by CBSA has once again demonstrated the Agency’s inability to...
TB Bargaining: Public Interest Commission dates set
The Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board has scheduled Public Interest Commission (PIC) hearings for the EB, PA, SV, and TC groups.
Government announces historic anti-scab legislation
The federal government’s move this week to ban the use of replacement workers is an historic moment for labour in Canada. PSAC has long...