Pride Month 2022 — Flying the flag with pride

In honour of Pride Month, in recognition of the hard-fought victories of the LGBTQ2+ communities, and in support of the continuing fight against discrimination, the Customs and Immigration Union will be flying the Pride Flag for the duration of the month of June 2022.

For the first time in our union’s history, the Pride Flag is displayed prominently outside the CIU National Office, in Ottawa, serving both as a reminder of what has been won over the years, and of what remains to be done to end homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia across the country. Members of the LGBTQ2+ communities continue to face harassment and discrimination of all sorts, including in the workplace, and CIU is committed to fight for a safer, more inclusive work environment.

To our members who are facing a difficult situation at work due to discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation: Your union is here for you. Please contact us if you’re in need of assistance.