TC group: PIC report offers no guidance

A Public Interest Commission (PIC) report has been issued for the TC group following the hearing held on December 9, 2022. Unfortunately, the report provides no substantive guidance aside from recommending that the bargaining team should continue to negotiate.

Read the PIC report 

However, the federal government has refused to budge, including on an employer wage offer that would deliver a pay cut to nearly 11,000 federal public service workers in the TC group at a time of record high inflation and a looming recession.

Under the law that governs contract negotiations in the federal public service, a PIC is established to help the parties reach an agreement once impasse is declared at the bargaining table. This PIC has clearly not moved the needle with the employer and has delayed negotiation for TC group members.

We have seen the same kind of slow progress across other tables from Treasury Board since the beginning of negotiations in June 2021.

Despite recent public statements from Treasury Board, there has been no agreement to return to the bargaining table. There’s no doubt the best way to reach a fair contract is at the table. But it’s becoming clearer every day — reaching a fair agreement with this government is going to take a strong strike mandate from our members. Workers can’t wait.

Register for upcoming townhalls 

At the end of January, you will have three opportunities to meet with members, researchers and negotiators from your national bargaining team to ask questions, share your concerns, and hear about how your team is escalating actions across the country to reach a fair deal.

Your support is key to our success as we negotiate your new contract during this round of Treasury Board bargaining and continue to fight for fair wages, work-life balance, good, secure jobs and inclusive workplaces. Keep your information updated for the latest bargaining news, download our bargaining toolkit to stay informed and engaged, and sign up for strike training to be prepared.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.