UPDATED – Vote on FB Group Tentative Agreement: What You Need to Know

As a CIU-PSAC member working for the Treasury Board – FB Group, you will be voting on a tentative agreement with your employer between April 16 and May 31, 2018.

If you wish to vote, you must ensure that you are a member in good standing and that the union has an up to date mailing address for you. If you have not done this yet, please update your information here. This vote will be conducted electronically, and we need to ensure that only those entitled receive the PIN number required to cast a vote.

Member in Good Standing

Due to a Phoenix pay system problem, members who ought to be in good standing have been rendered not in good standing because their dues have abruptly stopped (despite their continued employment). Unfortunately, it is impossible for Membership Administration to determine if dues have stopped due to a Phoenix glitch or if the member is on leave, retired, etc.

In order to properly determine voting entitlement for upcoming vote, it is imperative that members who are in good standing be correctly reflected as such. A new online form is now available whereby a member can request to remain in good standing in absence of union dues. The same form will serve for both members who are on leave from their substantive position and subject to the PSAC Constitution Section 4, Sub-Section (2) (a) to (k), and the members who have seen their dues cease because of a Phoenix problem.

Membership Administration will receive, process and respond to the Phoenix-related requests. The Executive Office will receive, process and respond to the non-Phoenix-related requests to remain in good standing as is the usual process under the PSAC Constitution.

If you have difficulty updating your information, contact your PSAC Regional Office.

If you updated your information with us, it’s two days before the scheduled information meeting and you still have not received a PIN for the vote, contact our Treasury Board – FB Group vote hotline: 1.833.223.2659.

Get the details on the agreement

As per PSAC Regulation 15, you must attend an informational session to be eligible to cast your vote. Attendance will be trackedand only those who attend will have their member profile updated on the eVoting system, enabling them to vote. PINS will become active 1 hour after the end of your meeting.

Find an in-person meeting:

  • Membership meetings will be held at in-person meetings in regions where there is a high concentration of members.
  • To find out when these meetings are taking place and how you can participate, please check your PSAC regional website (AtlanticBCNCRNorthOntario, Québec or Prairies) or contact your PSAC Regional Office.
  • We will also be posting information about upcoming meetings on the following page. Please check back regularly.

How to vote on the tentative agreement

You can vote on the tentative agreement by telephone or online. As stated above, you must attend an information session before voting.

  • Using the PIN that was sent to you by mail or e-mail, you can vote any time from April 16 at 8:00 am EST until 12:00 pm noon EST on May 31, 2018.
  • To vote online, go to http://www.fb.isivote.com and follow the instructions.
  • To vote by phone, call the voting phone number at 1.877.446.5146 and follow the instructions.
  • Please be aware that if you should be interrupted while voting, you may re-access the voting system to complete your voting.
  • This vote is a secret ballot. How you vote is entirely confidential.

If you have additional technical questions about the vote, contact the Intelivote’s Treasury Board – FB Group vote hotline: 1.888.281.8683.

If you have additional questions about the content of the tentative agreement or the process to vote that cannot be addressed by your regional office contact the PSAC Treasury Board – FB Group vote hotline at  1.833.223.2659.

For more information on the details of the tentative agreement, feel free to ask questions at the information session.

A version of this article was first posted on the PSAC website.