Issue:Collective Bargaining [2018-2021]

PSAC and Treasury Board sign PA, TC and Phoenix deals

Photo of CIU flag

October 23, 2020

PSAC and Treasury Board today signed new collective agreements for the Program and Administrative (PA) and Technical Services (TC) groups that were ratified by members on September 29. The two bargaining units account for over 80,000 federal public service workers. PSAC and Treasury Board also signed the Phoenix damages agreement reached this summer. Separately, the parties signed the protocol agreement on the negotiation of working conditions for civilian members in the RCMP who […]

FB Bargaining: PSAC-CIU protects bargaining unit work

Photo of CIU flag

October 15, 2020

Buckling under legal pressure from PSAC-CIU, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has stopped contracting out the work of trained border services officers to students at ports of entry in Toronto. In July, CBSA management in Toronto implemented new shifts staffed exclusively by students after PSAC-CIU members refused to enter into talks on a temporary variable shift schedule arrangement (VSSA) due to concerns that management would […]