Tag Archives: FB

FB bargaining team receives Public Interest Commission recommendation


PSAC-CIU received the Public Interest Commission’s report July 28 with their non-binding recommendations for reaching an agreement at the bargaining table. The report comes the day  after the union’s announcement of the FB strike vote results and puts us in a legal strike position as early as Friday, August 6.

Read the full PIC report

The report contains several important recommendations, including:

  • Opening the door for a discussion about a paid, pensionable meal period for union members;
  • Calling for paid firearm practice time and a fitness allowance for officers;
  • Recommending new protections for employees in the context of discipline;
  • Encouraging the parties to negotiate expanded seniority rights for scheduling and parameters regarding student work at CBSA;
  • Recommending language that ensures officers aren’t required to work alone, the grievance procedure is streamlined, and a negotiated increase in shift premium.

With respect to wages, the report states, “It is worth noting that the settlements for the FB group in the three previous rounds of bargaining have exceeded the core public administration pattern.”

Of significance, the recently negotiated settlement for RCMP employees was reached after the Public Interest Commission hearings took place in May and, therefore, did not form any part of the PIC deliberations.

While the report was silent about remote work for non-uniformed members, and pension reform (25 and out) is outside the PIC’s jurisdiction and therefore not addressed in the report, our team will continue to push for these improvements.

Our union and the employer have agreed to return to the bargaining table to resume talks on Thursday, July 29. The FB team is hopeful that Treasury Board and CBSA will return to the bargaining table with a renewed mandate to reach a fair agreement for PSAC-CIU members.

Make sure to keep your contact information up to date via the PSAC member portal to receive all the latest updates as we prepare to negotiate your next contract.

This article has also been posted on the PSAC website.

Final chance to submit your FB strike vote!


PSAC has already held 20 virtual strike info sessions and four strike preparation webinars, and we’ve received great feedback from FB members. In order to ensure all members have the opportunity to vote, we’re hosting one final strike vote information session.

The national virtual session will be held this Thursday, July 22 and will be bilingual with simultaneous interpretation. All members are encouraged to join this meeting regardless of the location of their CIU branch.

Register now for Thursday, July 22 at 6:00 p.m. Eastern.

You must attend a mandatory information session (10-15 minutes) for your vote to be counted. If you’ve already participated in an information session, but haven’t voted, you have until Friday, July 23 at 12:00 p.m. EDT to submit your vote. Voting will be closed after this time and results will be announced the following week.

Under regulation 15 of the PSAC Constitution, every member must attend a mandatory information session (normally about 10-15 mins) to be eligible to vote. This is so we can ensure that everyone has the information they need to make an informed decision and give you an opportunity to ask questions. After attending one of these sessions, you will gain access to information on how to vote. You must have your attendance recorded at one of the 10-15 minute presentation portions or your vote will not be counted.

Any questions you may have about strike votes or strike action can be answered at the virtual vote information sessions that will take place before you vote. However, to provide you with as much information as possible ahead of time, we have compiled key questions and answers for you.

This article has also been posted on the PSAC website.

PSAC threatens legal action over changes to inland enforcement work

Photo of BSO with the words "Bargaining: FB Group"

PSAC has warned the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) that the union may be pursuing legal action after the employer announced — in the middle of contract negotiations — that it intends to change its policy on international escorts for inland enforcement officers. The proposed changes, which would take effect on July 15, would force officers to take annual leave under certain circumstances.

PSAC has put the employer on notice that, if CBSA proceeds with these changes, the union will consult legal counsel about filing a complaint against CBSA with the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board.

Labour law clearly states that all terms and conditions of employment are frozen during collective bargaining and until such time as a new agreement is reached, legal strike action is called, or an arbitration award is issued.

In contract talks with Treasury Board and CBSA, our FB bargaining team has repeatedly highlighted work done by inland enforcement officers. We have been clear that we are opposed to the contracting out of escort work done by our officers, and we have presented proposals concerning international escorts.

PSAC and CIU opposes CBSA’s attempt to push changes concerning inland enforcement officers while we discuss their working conditions at the bargaining table. We will continue to stand up for the rights of our members.

PSAC-CIU and our FB bargaining team will continue to update members on this issue and the ongoing strike votes taking place across the country. Please reach out your PSAC union representative or CIU branch president with any questions.

This article has also been posted on the PSAC website.

FB strike votes and strike preparation webinars

Image discussion FB PSAC-AFPC

The FB group will be conducting an electronic strike vote across the country starting June 16. Support your bargaining team at our upcoming strike votes to make sure we can return to the bargaining table in a position to win a fair contract.

Select your region for details:

Please note that more may be scheduled after the 28th. Please prioritizing registering for a session in your region. After attending one of these sessions, you will gain access to information on how to vote. It will involve a 10-15-minute presentation by a member of the bargaining team, followed by an optional Q&A session. You must have your attendance recorded at one of the 10-15 minute presentation portions or your vote will not be counted.

Strike Preparation Webinars

Date Time Language
June 15 7pm – 8:30pm EST English
June 16 12pm – 1:30 EST French
June 17 12pm – 1:30pm EST English
June 21 5:30pm – 7pm EST French

These optional webinars have been set up to give FB members a chance to learn more about strikes, strike preparation, and ask any questions you may have. More may be added to the schedule depending on registrations.

Any questions you may have about strike votes or strike action can be answered at the virtual vote information sessions and strike preparation courses that will take place before you vote. However, to provide you with as much information as possible ahead of time, PSAC has compiled key questions and answers for you.

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This article has also been posted on the PSAC website.

FB strike votes: Frequently Asked Questions

Image discussion FB PSAC-AFPC

The Border Services (FB) bargaining unit consists of over 9,000 PSAC-CIU members at the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), responsible for protecting Canada’s borders and the planning, development, delivery, inspection and control of people and goods entering Canada.

FB members have been without a contract for nearly three years, with our collective agreement having expired in June 2018. At the table, our bargaining team has been fighting for key issues, including parity with other law enforcement personnel across Canada, better protections against harassment and discrimination, and a fair remote work policy for our non-uniformed members.

CBSA’s refusal to budge on these core demands led the FB bargaining team to declare impasse in December. We’ve submitted and presented our dispute to the Public Interest Commission and are awaiting their recommendation. In the meantime, we’re holding a vote seeking a strike mandate from the membership to give our bargaining team the leverage we need to call a strike if necessary.

Any questions you may have about strike votes or strike action can be answered at the virtual vote information sessions and strike preparation courses that will take place before you vote. However, to provide you with as much information as possible ahead of time, PSAC has compiled key questions and answers for you.

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This article has also been posted on the PSAC website.