World Day for Decent Work: workers deserve peace and democracy

October 7, 2024

PSAC joins the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) in calling for peace and democracy this World Day for Decent Work, 7 October, as authoritarianism and escalating military conflicts devastate workers’ lives worldwide.

Trade unions reaffirm their stance: without peace, there can be no social justice, and without social justice, peace cannot last.

Military confrontations in almost every region of the world are worsening, leading to widespread loss of life, livelihoods and rights. Working people are on the frontline of this growing crisis, facing daily injustices and oppression.

  • Since 2021, Myanmar’s military dictatorship has violently repressed workers and their families, stripping them of basic rights. The people of Myanmar are demanding democracy, starting with the recognition of the National Unity Government.
  • Since 2022, Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine has caused unimaginable human suffering and cost thousands of lives. The global trade union movement continues to call for peace and the restoration of Ukraine’s sovereignty.
  • In Palestine and Israel, the worsening conflict has killed and displaced thousands. Trade unions demand an immediate ceasefire, the release of the hostages and all those detained without due legal process, the safe return of all workers trapped by the conflict, increased humanitarian aid and a lasting two-state solution.

Luc Triangle, General Secretary of the ITUC, said: “Governments are failing to resolve conflicts through diplomacy, while workers and their unions continue to engage in peaceful negotiations. Workers must be involved in the peace and reconstruction processes if they are to succeed and create the necessary conditions for lasting peace and stability.

“We need a complete change of priorities away from strategic competition, violence and confrontation to common security, negotiation and peace. Rising military expenditure is diverting critical resources away from social priorities. Over US$91 billion was spent on nuclear weapons alone in 2023; ten billion more than in 2022. World military expenditure totals US$2.5 trillion.

“Imagine the benefits to people everywhere if this money was invested in decent work, education, healthcare, and the transition to a green economy? With this money we could deliver the New Social Contract. We need to start investing in peace, not war. Disarmament is a question of justice and is key to building a peaceful world with shared prosperity.”

This World Day for Decent Work, workers demand peace and democracy.

This article was first posted on the PSAC website.

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