CIU/PSAC’s response letter to CBSA’s communication on arming

The following letter in response to CBSA's communication on arming was sent to CBSA's Vice-President on April 22, 2014 by PSAC's Legal Counsel, Collective Bargaining BranchLa...

PSAC to Take CBSA before Labour Board and Human Rights Commission...

Union also filing suit in Federal Court over right to strike. Over the last several weeks CBSA has been attempting to undermine the legal rights...

CIU/PSAC Taking Action in Response to CBSA Communication on Arming

Policy grievances to be filed, legal counsel being consulted. Yesterday CBSA put out a statement to union members concerning the arming initiative. The statement included...

CIU/PSAC Statement on Employer Arming Communication

This afternoon CBSA put out a statement to union members concerning the arming initiative. We believe the content of the communication to be both...

Brother Gaston Ethier receives Life Membership Award

On April 4, 2014, Brother Gaston Ethier, former President and Steward of the Eastern Ontario Branch, has been honored by the National Board of...

Changes made to the Public Service Health Care Plan

Changes to the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) were made following discussions between Treasury Board and the Plan’s Partners Committee, which includes federal...

CIU appears before the Senate Committee on National Security and Defence

On March 24, 2014, Brother Jean-Pierre Fortin, National President, appeared before the Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence as part of the...