SV bargaining: No movement from government on key issues in mediation

After a week of mediation, Treasury Board made no effort to find common ground in bargaining with our more than 10,000 SV group members,...

TC group: no progress on key demands following mediation

Following a week of mediation, the federal government continues to refuse to budge on its wage offer that would deliver a pay cut to...

TB Bargaining: Public Interest Commission dates set

The Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board has scheduled Public Interest Commission (PIC) hearings for the EB, PA, SV, and TC groups. The...

PA group: No movement on wages, key issues after mediation

Following a week of mediation, the federal government is refusing to budge on its wage offer that would effectively deliver a pay cut to...
Icone discussion PSAC-AFPC

TB bargaining: Ramp up the pressure by taking strike training

While PSAC attends mediation with Treasury Board and prepares to make our case at the Public Interest Commission hearings this fall, we’re escalating our...

Common issues: Facing record inflation, government’s latest wage offer still sets...

After two weeks of mediation at the Common Issues table, the federal government put forward a revised wage offer on the last day of...

CIU funds top-up strike pay for its PA, SV, TC and...

At its September 2022 meeting, in Ottawa, the CIU National Board of Directors passed a motion to establish an additional strike fund to better...

TC group: Update on EG rates of pay following arbitration victory

PSAC won increased rates for Engineering and Scientific Support (EG) members in the Technical Services (TC) group in January 2022 to ensure that they...
Photo of CIU flag

August 6: A time for solidarity

August 6, 2021, marked a historical moment for our union and for the Canadian labour movement at large when FB members mobilized from coast...

TB Bargaining: Proceeding to Public Interest Commission

PSAC’s fight for a fair deal is progressing as a federal labour board last week moved to establish a Public Interest Commission (PIC) to...